Beautiful Liar


Have someone ever lied to you before? Your friend? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Family? Well the boy I loved lied to me... I can start with that i was a transfer student my parents died a month ago and i only have my brother Sungcheol left... 


Have you ever lied to someone? Well I had to... To keep our secret as a secret... I love her but.. I don't know what to do...


Hi! This is my first fanfiction and i really hope you like it!

I'm swedish and I'm not good at english... But i hope you guys can read it hahah. Well enjoy it! 

*Update every monday!*



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CoralPrincess #1
Chapter 2: I'm excited for the next chapter!
Oh? I saw this story updated! But now its in draft? ><

I'm still excited for this story though!