

A not-so-cliche story of an outlier who manage to capture the hearts of three gentlemen with her peculiar behaviour.


I really at description.(and foreword). whatever.

So basically this story is a figment of my imagination which absolutely got nothing to do with the real persons and their lives. I just borrow their figures and fit it in the plot because I see them attractive. Oh God. Why did I sound so disgusting? Anyway, enjoy!

Uh. Oh yeah! If you ever feel the need to critise me, or correct me,or even praise me, feel free to communicate with me in the comment section cause..yeah. I'm quite new to this wonderful royal voyage. I won't bite. Promise!


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 4: Hello there author-nim ^^ Justake wondering if you are going to continue with this story. hope to hear from you soon.
Burrito #2
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for writing this story!