Personal Message



Ayo! this is me ^^

blah. *cringes from the  pic*






Name: Sapphire

Age: 17                                                                               

D.O.B.: Nov. 28





Kevin Woo








Doctor & Rose *FOREVER CRYING*






My best IRL friend:

(username:) -AngelsWings-




Heather: My IRL best friend and my Internet buddy! She is like the bestest thing that's happened to me. If she wasn't here in my life, I probably wouldn't be living to write this. Me and her are seriously close. We tell each other everything and we are constantly laughing with each other! We've been best friends since 3-4 years now. I love her to death and eternity. We are always thinking the same things and we can pretty much read each other's minds. ^^   We are always erted and definitely hilarious! All of my bright, happy moments are always with her. She keep the light in my soul burning . She never fails to cheer me up when I'm depressed, even if I don'twant to be cheered up. :) I will never,ever forget her. We will always be by each other's side and never fight. We are like soul mates, but as friends. (We're not gay... I swear. ) We are ...twins. <3


She's mine. ಠ_ಠ




Hurt   her   and   you   will    suffer.   (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Internet/International  besties:

Adna: aljsfkasdjf. I met  her on this website from  my   fics. >///< LOOL.

I do need to update on those don't I? orz. She is my long lost sister xD  I remember having such long 

conversations and very erted conversations. ^0^ I will definitely love her forever. 


Adila: Mueheuhe. Well. I met her on FB from Adna because she is Adna's friend ^^ And  yeah we 

became friends quickly. She's a dork. :p  she also showed me some cool bosnian music artists :) I 

will never forget our fangirling xD


Amina:  She is down right adorable. <3 I love making her feels go everywhere by writing her small 

short stories with her and her biases >////< it's so cute to see her reaction! jkjaksdfja!!!!


Corina~~!!!: She is the bomb diggity, okay? aljkdfasljdf We met a couple years ago on a 

website called Quizilla. She wrote amazing fics on there, BUT SADLY SHE DOESN'T 

UPDATE ANYMORE. ;A;   anywhore, so yeah... she is so hilarious! AND CUTE. She has such a bright

personality and a adorable way of expressing humour. <3 I love her very much and hopefully I will meet her

some day. 


Nicole: I met her on Omegle .. Now we are good friends on Tumblr and stuff and she is so

cute! She is the most awesomest. :)  I love her berry mush - although I wished we talked more :3




About Me






Check me out on Tumblr(。◕‿◕。)

Tumblr username:


[;;multi-fandomed blog;; - mostly consists of K-Pop.. kind of.I also reblog funny as well.. and doctor who.. i love me some doctor who :3]