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Personal Message


About Me

Hello!! Jungcookies_17 here!! I am 13 years old, a first year high school student. I am from The Philippines but was born in States. I am a reader and also a writer. But mostly when I write, I just save it in the Microsoft Office. Now is my first time to publish my stories in the Internet so I hope you guys won't Judge me!! There isn't many things to Know about me to be very honest but yeah. Please support me, Okay? 


♦ Biases 

I like Him...


And Him...

Ughh...Fine! I like this guy XD

Like for Real--

Haha But I also like some other Kpop Idols like....

This guy named Jongin or Kai.

This Jamless boy named Jimin,

And OMG!! Who wouldn't forget the cute alien, Taehyung or Bee!! Lmao Jk its V.

Is that it? Is there somebody else?? Let's move on??

Oh what? There is someone else??


OH!! Aigoo!! Mianhae!!

Of course!! Exo's cute maknae!! Thehun!! I mean...Sehun!


Mmmm...Yeah. I guess that's it!!

Let's be friends okay!! I don't Bite!! Love you all!!!