My sister, heartbreaking

My sister found out that her one and the half year boyfriend, have another woman almost four months already. He claimed that he loves my sister but he cant give up on that woman too. He loves both of my sister and that woman. My sister was crying just now, I dont kn0w how to c0mfort her since I dont have any love experience. My sister had three boyfriends before this one, but all of them hurt her too much by betraying her or boring with her. I dun kn0w what to do n0w. She asked for my opinion, I just keep silent, I really dont kn0w how.


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She needs to break up with that peasant ASAP.
This type of situation just CANNOT be excused in any way whatsoever.
Once they cheat, they'll always keep cheating on you.
It is NOT healthy to continue a relationship with someone that has broken your trust.
You don't want them to get married in the end and divorce after having children.
Please avoid that type of future to happen.
Your sister should retreat from the relationship and call him out for his wrong doings.
She could take a personal break after that until she feels comfortable dating someone new again.
Faustine11 #2
sometimes u as a little sister or elder sister idk , should just go and talk to u sister boyfriend and talk sense to him and tel him what she hs got through that was how my elder sister helped me
Tell her shes independent and doesn't need the accompany of a man in her life at the moment because so far all they've done is slow her down. Tell her to be strong woman who don't need no man
She should brake up with him. I'm sure she wouldn't want getting hurt like this again especially not by him. Maybe take a break from relationships and focus on something that makes her happy. Hope this helps :)