Well, Happy New Year!

So, my new year almost went to .

Cody told me that he couldn't come over because his dad said he didn't want him out past midnight, and then I text him and he didn't reply and I thought maybe he fell asleep and he texts me back and tells me he's at a party.

He was at  ing party.

I was beyond the point of being upset.

Like literally I was sitting in my room crying my eyes out.

To make a long story short, he called me and we worked it out, but seriously, would you want your significant other to do that to y9ou on new years? How ty is that?

Like it doesn't even matter that he went to the ing party, it's the fact that he lied to me.

So, when I woke up this morning, I get this:

"Good Morning<3 I'm coming to see you today."

Yeah. He'll be here soon.

Haven't decided if I'm going to slap him yet or not.


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I think you should try and find out WHY he lied to you. Wanting to go to a party doesn't seem like such a terrible request so why would he lie to you about it? If anything, it would have made more sense for him to bring YOU to the party with him no? As you said, the biggest worry here is that he LIED. Also, I would be quite unhappy to receive a text like that as if nothing of the sort had ever happened the night before.

He might have a good reason for lying and he might not. For the sake of your relationship down the road, I strongly suggest you find out why. I'll tell you this from one woman to another - lying in a relationship almost never leads to long lasting ones.
unazucky #2
Mmmmm I suppose it'd be unpleasant, but I also think that I'd rather let him have fun than having him stuck at home. Even if he lied, I think I'd be happy that he is having fun. But I also understand that you're mad. Lying is not something he should have done. Perhaps he should have texted you to tell you that his dad changed his mind so he was on his way to a party. Just talk to him and tell him why you're so unhappy with his behavior. It's a new year, bae. Try to not argue with him.