I just don't know anymore


Hi everyone. 

Let me start out by saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry in advance if my writing isn't as it usually is, if my updates are crappily written or written late. 

It's been a rough month. We all know that. Between Ladies Code (may Risae and Eunbi rest in peace), Jessica leaving SNSD, and now Luhan leaving Exo, the whole kpop world is in mass chaos.

I can't speak for anyone else, but in my case, I hadn't gotten over Jessica yet, and with this Luhan news, I just broke down. For the first time this year with all the scandals, I just couldn't handle it anymore. For a moment seriously considered leaving kpop, just because I don't think my heart can't handle anymore of this.

It's not just these issues in the kpop world. I've been trying to stay upbeat for you guys, but I'm struggling a lot right now. I'm not going to go into a big long thing about how you should feel sorry for me, but please, all I ask for is forgiveness.

I'm not giving up on you guys, or on my writing. SHINee is still as strong as ever, and as long as they continue, so shall I. 

Please, just give me time and forgiveness. Please bear with me if my updates are lackluster, or if they don't appear on time. 

*Hugs to sones and exo-l's*

*hugs to everyone else*


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*gives you a million hugs back* Your writing has always amazed me, and has never stopped. You shouldn't feel sorry for feeling this pain that so many of us are going through right now. I sincerely hope that you'll be able to get through this with us as well, and to know that your loyal readers are always here for you to reach out to :).
<big hug> right back at you<3 Your stories are what help us get through our rough days, so we want you to take extra-special care of yourself. We'll be here. Don't worry :)
i dont see why you are apologising. readers have no right to pressure you or be demandibg. youre sharing this with them because you want to, because it makes you happy to make them happy right ^^
you shouldnt apologise. youre human just like we all and we all need to rest
i hope ull be okay
da_Feelz #4
It has been a rough year in the kpop industry.. All those scandals came up as a big shock for me and genuinely left me devastated as well. Really I just found out today and ended up making my homework as more of a struggle as it is already. You'll pull through and so will I :D
Elvinluv27 #5
Just take your time, I understand that sometimes it's hard to continue something due to tough situations and that's ok. What I care about most is that you focus on feeling better and not trying to stress yourself out more with writing. If you ever want to talk to just get something off your chest your can always message me and I'd be glad to try my best to give you advice ^_^