I think yuri know something about jessica

It start getting back to me all Yuri say about in jong jungchi radio at may 2014 about her thought on snsd break and jessica agree with it also at healing camp Yuri also show her concern with this whole thing and even days before Jessica statement YURI made a weibo and start following Jessica i dont know Jessica follow her back or not i dont have weibo (Yuri post a photo with leopard prints) She try reaching her behind the scene Jessica is the longest trainee so i assume she start seeing the real world very young and how bad people outside can be ( i always thought she can be used by bad people easily) and she cant be told because she hard headed and strong willed she try to achieve things her way while Yuri is logic person if i already told you thats bad for you and you dont think it right she not gonna say it twice.she just gonna let it go And im also wondering 2014 seems like hyoyeon is hit i found many fancam about jessica hyoyeon and yuri hyoyeon they both seems close to hyoyeon And if she know maybe this the proper explain about yulsic 2014 she maintain a distance because goodbye is hard and it is really bad if you hold to someone you know you cant have even you try the "condition" doesnt allow it and that where this cold war start even its hurt you must let go little by little But cant let go the one you love so you made a way alternatif way "weibo message way" beause she know Jessica active in there And what hurts me the most is Yuri condition these day people bashing her looking fat , please stop people yes she getting fat and yes she eating alot ,she goes out alot these day because she stress to the point i think desperate , she try spend time with all her friends to distract her mind ( with her friends in this case not snsd ) Yes she know ,know from the start and if you wondering what happend with her Looks like she fading away or more popular back then She cant express her self not because she doesnt want to but the "condition doesnt allow her" And you will and you will keep seeing no expression cold face Kwon YURI in every airport photo Damn i miss kkab yul so bad , she used wave alot,smile alot,give fan service alot Really she seems cold and arrogant I dont know why she keep using sunglasses these day (start 2014) But what the best i wish i hope she okay And more lively and smile alot (an sorry for bad english and bad writing in post from phone and all of these just my opinion)


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munyil_cutez #1
may be but in fack we do know what happen in there!
when i read ur post, i think sica so selfish! not thinking what her bestfriend feel & just doing what she want! hope everything will be ok, i miss when they spend time with smile & with joyfull