The Passing of Robin Williams

It's really sad.  I know a lot of people would think "but you didn't even know him", but that doesn't change the fact that I'm losing a person from my childhood.  I grew up watching Disney movies like Aladdin and my dad can testify that I watched Flubber and Jamanji until the VHS tapes wore out.

It really is a sad day for me, considering how much laughter and happiness this man I never met brought to my life.  Depression is something I've seen a lot of, even before I could understand what it was, and it's hard to imagine it could happen to someone as full of light as Robin Williams.

It's a sad day, but I won't forget all the joy he brought not only to my life but to the lives of an entire generation (and the generation before that).

RIP Robin Williams; you will be dearly, dearly missed.


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