A Game To Procrastinate Studying For Chinese and Finishing My Anthropology Essay...

My Questions:   (by Pattycakes)

  1. What group would be great on Hello Baby? I think that VIXX would be amazing because Leo loves kids to death and Ken would play with them and Ravi would too and Hyuk is a kid himself so the kid would probably love him and N would be the one who worries the most and Hongbin would be adorable with a kid and just all the yes. 
  2. Can you tell the Tasty twins (Daeryong and Soryong) apart? What about Youngmin and Kwangmin from Boyfriend? Nuuuuuu T_T I'm sorry guys! I'll work harder, I promise!
  3. What do you think about fan wars? I think they're dumb, but I can understand why they start most of the time. I get really defensive of my babies too so when people diss them I wanna punch a wall, but I don't like how often fanwars are started or that people pit certain fandoms against one another.
  4. Your favorite dance routine/ choreography for a K-pop song? (*Just the dance not the song) I'm going to have to say........either.....Come Back Again by Infinite or To You by Teen Top :) those are the dances that I catch myself trying to do when I don't even mean to (and I can't dance so it's actually really sad....)
  5. Favorite OTP? Why? Ermagerd I love Taoris. I feel that they both take care of each other and are really sweet to one another. I think that Kris is a good duizhang and although Tao is a a lot of the time I think he really cares a lot about Kris :) 
  6. What company would you audition for? Probably YG...I like that their artists are all really unique and they use those qualities to help build up their careers. 
  7. If you could be in any k-pop group, what group would you choose? Why? ....hmmmmm....I don't know....I'm gonna be completely typical and say B.A.P or EXO because my ultimate is in B.A.P and just ugh I would love to meet him and EXO because there's so many members and it would be easier to kinda...fade...into the background XD total introvert all the way through...
  8. What is your ethnicity? I'm the whitest white girl around...my ancestors were Native Americans though...
  9. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr all the way man
  10. The nicest thing you did for a stranger or that a stranger did for you? This random dude at work asked me if I was still in school and I said I was and he said he was proud of me and I really needed that today because it's been a pretty hectic day...


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