Dreams that I've had about being pregnant

I want to begin by saying, I am NOT pregnant and have never been preganant, and don't plan on it until I'm married, but I've had dreams before that I was pregnant by Kim Nam Gil. My goodness he is so fine but old enough to be my daddy. I had a dream I got into a fight while I was pregnan, and I was getting really defensive and protective, something that all mothers do when they're pregnant...(idk why that's so damn ratchet, and I've never been in a fight) but I woke up the next morning feeling really cautious or I just felt weird and different, like I was pregnant, but I have no clue what it feel like to be pregnant, and I felt a sense of guilt about being pregnant and not being married. The feelings you have the nex morning when you wake up from a dream that's not real, but it feels so real when you wake up. It's crazy that I had a dream about being pregnant by Kim Nam Gil and not Lee Jinki...I was upset but at least it wasn't real XD



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Hahahahahaha. I know this isn't that much related but I consider myself lucky because I had a dream where I did 'it' with Lee Jinki. (Effects of reading too many fics, maybe?)
O_O I've never dreamed of myself being pregnant. But I had a dream my aunt was playing with a little girl on her lap at her house. And I was like "What in the world? She doesn't have a daughter..." A week later she called and told us she had a miscarriage. It really . OTL
I dreamt once that my classmate got pregnant and the father was one of the hottest guys in my class.
I've had baby/pregnancy dreams like that. It scared me at the time because I thought I was pregnant, but thank god I wasn't. I want Jinki's baby tho~~ <3 (otherwise no kids for me!)
lmao! yes I do. me and luhan were a really cute couple but we fought xD It's funny. I want it real tbh ; w ;
may I ask? who is Kim Nam Gil?