Tagged by Shinhwavee

So happy I was tagged :D I love doing these things, and it gives me a good reason to ask people a ton of questions :P
Rule 1. Post the rules.
Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.
Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.
Now the big test of this is... Do I have 11 friends :P
Ok questions first :D
1. What's your favorite song?
And I'm lost already :P I have so many songs I really treasure, but one song that will, without a doubt leave me in tears, getting teary just thinking about it, is Auld Lang Syne, I know, weird choice, but I just always cry when I hear people talking about things that can never come back, I mean, I cry at Puff The Magic dragon (The Danish version is about a boy who had a dragon friend, but he grows up and looses the ability to imagine and fantasize)
2. Favorite food?
Asian? :P Don't really know, I just know that I always loved everything at Chinese restaurants, and I recently tried Korean Bulkogi for the first time, and it was amazing. But if I have to be more specific, Mongolian Barbeque? Ok, not specific again, I know :P But lamb oyster sauce and tons of sesame oil and I'm happy :D
3. Big traveler? Could you share an experience?
Not big, but would love to travel more. I mainly travel with my marching band every other year, cause my family is quite poor in Danish standards. But I have been to Germany, Sweden, Germany, Croatia, Prague, Paris, California, Italy and Ireland :D We're going to China this summer :D And out of all of them, California was the best one, we went for 14 days, and traveled in auto campers, we even performed in Disney land and Universal Studios, people in the US seem so much happier with marching bands than Danish people, they even followed us to our auto campers to talk to us, and tons of them wanted to take pictures with us, my arm (We have our logo on our arm) was touched so much while I was playing.
4. Biggest dream(s)?
Well as boring as it sounds, I've always just wanted a nice job and a family, also my biggest fear, to be forever alone :P Always wanted to marry an Asian guy, ever since I was 4 (I was a weird kid) only recently did it change to Korean in particular :P
5. Someone you admire?
As weird as it sounds, my younger brother. He's so set on anything he takes up, and he never complaints. He is never lazy, and he does so much voluntary work. Everyone loves him, and he's just so kind. He really encourages me to do things too :D
6. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Well according to my class mates I'm not married, I just have a boyfriend of many years and 3 kids, and we travel all over the world :P Would be cool, but I'm probably more likely to still be studying, or being just about to find a job. I have no idea whether or not I would have found a significant other though :P
7. Favorite movie?
I just realized I never watch many movies. I'm staring at my wall thinking, and the only one I can think of is Emergency measure number 19 :P You know, that stupid old Korean movie with a ton of cameos from tons of singers (Shinhwa being one of them :P ) I actually don't mind putting it here, I watched it with two friends in Italy (it was on my computer which I had brought with me) One was a KPop fan, the other not. We ended up watching it so many times, and we died laughing every time. My non-KPop friend started liking Shinhwa after that trip, kept forcing me to play the Shinhwa part of the movie, she can quote it now :P We even made inside jokes and greetings from that movie, we annoyed everyone with it, and still do :P
8. Are you a reader or an author (or both /eyebrow wiggle/)?
Both now :P But for a long time I was just a silent reader, then a year ago or something, I started commenting, and the more I commented and talked to people, the more I wanted to write :P So now I'm both, even if I'm the slowest updater/commenter ever :P
9. Do you go out a lot?
As in, for fun? Cause then it's no :P I have way too many things to do, and partying never really caught me :D I do go out to eat, or watch a movie once in a while, but mainly I go to a friends house, or I'm busy with concerts or volunteering :P
10. So you think you can dance?...lol jk that's not my question. My question is do you know how to dance?
I one did gymnastics if that counts? :P Hey we did some hip hop stuff there, but I haven't tried to dance for years, so no idea :P
11. Do you do some things that others don't in your family (for example, I sing and no one else does)?
Well, in my family we all sing :P But I guess my thing is analyzing/writing? I mean, I'm the only one in my family who loves analyzing and writing, reports or stories, doesn't matter :P And Asia :P I'm the only one who is interested in Asia, well, my family likes the Asian food I make :P
Now onto my questions :D
1. What is your earliest memory?
2. Your best quality is?
3. What are you proudest of in your life?
4. What is your favorite song, and why?
5. If you had to go to a deserted island, which 3 things would you bring?
6. What is one thing you could never live without (not counting water and food and such :P )
7. What weird habits do you have?
8. If you were to have your memory erased, but you could keep 3 memories (be it knowledge of something or someone, or just a memory) Which would you keep?
9. If you could have any superhero power, which would it be?
10. What is the weirdest/most embarrassing thing you have ever looked up on Wikipedia?
11. Who's the most significant person in your life?
And that concludes my questions :D Now to tag 11 people :P
I tag:
chrichrifaust, Gwillion, sarasirpishinhwa, gwendal738, orangekid1007, Phoenix_Soar, orangekath, glow4syung, monicaandy, ricjindy and Birdybird :D
Hope you will all take up the challenge :D


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Certainly helped me learn a bit abt You ^^
lol thanks for the tag. I did it as well ^^
ohhhhh . you made me discover Auld Lang Syne song , had a bob dylan feeling for me hahahaha ;) Will hear it again with the lyrics to understand everything .
So you are a sesame lover like sungie eh hahahaha have you tasted seasame tea ? you might like it :) .
You take part of a marching band ? wow , which instrument do you play ?
Don't think it's a boring dream , i think everyone deep inside themself wish for a future stable and nice family :) including me hahaahaha .
I'm pretty sure that in 10 years you will have many significant others :p .
I've never seen that movie but maybe i should give it a try ? maybe ? maybe not ahahahaha ?
I think we all that comes from the western world , we are the only ones interested in asia in our families hihihihihi.
Interesting . I will do it tomorrow , i promise . It's 3:35 am here where i live so i need to sleep a little bit hahahaha .
Me too. I'll do this tomorrow. *pinky swear* haha