Making of "The First Love"

Hi dear readers :3

Finally, I have finish writing 'The first love' *round of applause*

It's not really hard actually because I already had the idea right here. *pointing to my head* Honestly, it's quite hard. teehee. the idea is there, but it's quite hard to put the ideas into words. you know what I mean right :B Cut story short, I'll just continue with the How, why, What n etc. 

btw, here is dancing Chen XD  *not my gif tho*

How I come up with the story?

Part of the story is based on my life and the other are just basically a brainstorm maybe 0.0  Well, everyone has their own first love right :3 The one they'll end up smiling when thinking about him/her. Also, I lost one of my friends few years ago. That friend got into an accident. It was so sudden that I was like, 'Did he really died?' But later then, I learnt to accept the truth. I am cool now ;)


How I pick the characters?

Chen-I am interested of him lately :3 I watch Exo's recent beatle's code and I fell for him. Actually I am a fan of many, for example; big bang TOP, Jay Park, n the list goes on. I think Chen fit the first love's image well.

Kim Mi Young (OC)-I just came up with a random name. lol. Also, a random picture because I couldnt think of any female idol that match Chen.  

Ailee-She looks like an easy going person right ^^ Also, I watched her in Dream High 2, so it fit perfectly.

cameo; Luhan and Suho- I just randomly pick that character. I was thinking hard of what name should I put. 


Alternative ending?

I was contemplating to how I should end the story. Should I kill Chen's character or not? I was thinking about two completely different ending. Aren't you curious of the other ending? teehee :B However, I just killed Chen in my story. *sobs*


The pictures?

Those pictures I used were just random pictures I picked from the tumblr or other pages. So the credits go to their own owner. 


Lastly, I don't expect anything from the first fanfic I made since I am still new in AFF :3 Somehow, I do have those who kind enough subscribe to my story. Sorry if there's any lacking and Thanks again ^^ *bow 90 degree*

Also, let me know if you want the alternative ending too :D *peace*




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