Super Junior


As Kai and I were talking the other day, I realized that on the bast 3-4 years of my Korean Pop life... I've somewhat always been an ELF. When I think of my VIP, KISSme, or Shawol days, there was always something missing. Something that was keeping me from really being an actual part of the fandom. Something that made me feel like I didn't belong. 

But now I've learned. it was my heart waiting for me to discover these boys. Call me obsessed or insane. But this is truly how I feel. I've never cried for a group this way, I've never felt so protective over anyone,  I've never wanted to see anyone this badly. I haven't found anyone I respect more than them. 

A little bit over two years ago, before my ELF days, I would always tell myself I was crazy and that it was pointless loving people across the globe that didn't even know of my existence. I would hold back from fangirling too much, and try to tell myself it was stupid.

But when I fell in love with Super Junior, there was no stopping. You find yourself wanting to love them more and more, and care for them and protect that and to find a way to let them know that your here. 

They gave me hope, they gave ELF hope. They recognize us, and they are joined with us. They change the the ELF fandom, into family. The songs that sing of t heir love for us, the tears that we all shed when we must part, the brotherhood between these amazing young men, the fun we all have together, the sweat, hard work and effort they put into their work to make us proud, the lost goes on. 

I may sound pathetic and obsessive in some ways, bit I've never been effected this way. And I just know that it's real.

I love these 15 young men to much, and respect them with every part of me. 


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sillaeunhee #1
@bmsbandgeek bestin'15 <3
Alway 13elieve in 2uper Junior!<br />
13+2=15<br />
15=100%<br />