Exo-N&V Application

You, as in, You

Username: Anniiefiied

Activeness: 10

May I get a name: Annie

Off to the OCs~!

Name: Baek Soo Yun (백수연)

Nickname: Soo Yun (수연)

Stage Name: Annie (애니)

You're the only one~

Birthplace: San Francisco, CA

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Date of Birth: 06/04/1995

Age: 18; 17

Blood Type: O

Languages: English, Korean, decent amount of Chinese

What do you look like?

Ulzzang Name: Jung Roo

Ulzzang Pics: 하나 | | |

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Da Som

Back-up Ulzzang Pics: |

Style: Casual; skinny jeans, shorts, skirts, t-shirts, cardigans, hoodies, crewnecks, Toms, flats, converse, moccasins - stuff like that

I'd like to know more! 


Neglection/being alone & getting betrayed - When she was younger, everyone would use her and lie to her, so even after turning into a distant person, her past is still etched into her mind and she will always be reminded to never trust anyone too easily - just like a scar.

Food Taste? : tteok (rice cakes) with just about anything, caramel, greentea fraps, ramen, sushi, taro-flavored sweets, frozen yogurt, just food in general

Past Rumours/Scandals: People claim that she's gotten into many of fights with other girls and has nearly killed one, but if you refer to personality, Sooyun wouldn't even hurt a fly.

Did you get surgery?: No

Knowing your private life.


Baek Soo Yun is actually a very warm person on the inside, but she's shy and unsure around strangers or people that she is not very close to. Due to her past, it's hard for her to open up to people, which is why she's usually so deathly silent. People mistaken her quietness as coldness, so they believe that she's distant and cruel. However, if you manage to befriend her and gain her trust, she's anything but quiet. She's loud and energetic when it's only her and her friends. Once someone passes by, however, she'll immediately become silent and just stare at the intruder. She's not the type to start a conversation with someone she's not extremely close to, so if she does, it's definitely going to be about something important. Soo Yun speaks when spoken to, except when she's around friends. When she does speak on her own, however, it's usually a smart remark that comes out of . She can be quite blunt and verbally-hurtful at times. She does not realize the verbal pain that she has inflicted on that person until someone tells her. Then, she'll indirectly apologize to that person, unless that person is a close friend of hers.


Family Background:

Before Sooyun was born and when her parents were still young, Euitae used to be the owner of a small restaurant while Jaemin worked in that restaurant. Then, Sooyun's mother discovered her designing talent, so the couple opened a small clothing shop. A famous actor happened to be in their district when the Baek couple opened their clothing shop, and he was immediately drawn to the unique and glamorous styles of clothing that were available in this shop. When the actor asked the Baeks where they got their clothing from, they told him that Jaemin designed and created nearly every piece of clothing in that shop. Impressed by her ability, the actor hired Jaemin to be his personal stylist and designer. More people began to recognize Jaemin's talent when the actor began wearing her pieces of artwork to the red carpet. Euitae used this opportunity to start a fashion company, and his wife became the head designer. The company became popular fairly quickly because many other famous stars bought their clothing. Before long, the Baek company became one of America's top fashion industries. After a couple years of success, the Baek finally started a family when Sooyun was born. To this day, the Baeks' business still continues to boom.

Sooyun has never been in another company before.


Father - Baek Eui Tae (백의태) | 38 years old | CEO of Fashion Company

Mother - Moon Jae Min (문재민) | 35 years old | Head Designer of Fashion Company


Younger Brother - Baek Soo Chun (백수천) | 14 years old | Student

Background: Sooyun grew up with a big heart for everyone. Since she was kind, she trusted people much too easily and was often taken advantage of. However, she soon realized that she had been living a lie. Sick of being used, she began to isolate herself and take matters more consciously. Instead of throwing her trust around, she kept it close to her and only talked to people that were trustworthy enough. If you manage to get close to Sooyun, you'd better stay honest and loyal. To her, trust was now a piece of paper - once it's crumpled, it's never perfect again. Although she seems cruel, she would never do anything to hurt anyone else. Rather than doing something bad, she just simply stays quiet and observes her surroundings.

What kind of taste do you have?


  • peace and quiet
  • nature
  • music
  • food/eating
  • black & white, green
  • blogging
  • photography


  • eggplant
  • rude/ignorant individuals
  • excessive amounts of skinship
  • liars/traitors
  • dark chocolate
  • fish


  • cooking
  • composing
  • eating
  • ice-skating
  • photography
  • blogging


  • taps her foot/bobs her head to the beat when listening to music
  • adverts her gaze & slightly bites her lip when nervous
  • looks up at the sky/ceiling when thinking
  • blankly stares at you with furrowed eyebrows when confused
  • plays with hair when bored


  • Sooyun learned the guitar by ear and took piano lessons.
  • She enjoys laying in grassy fields for hours
  • She ice-skates and swims when stressed
  • Being the quiet girl she is, she stays quiet most of the time and is able to endure a lot of crap, but everyone has their limits, and when Sooyun has had enough, she will explode like a volcano.
  • Sooyun is a very neat and orderly person. She hates it when things are out of place and will voluntarily clean things up her own things, but hates it when someone askes her to clean their stuff for them.

Your Idol Life.

Position: Exo-V: Lead Vocal, Main Dance

Back-up Position: Exo-N: Main Vocal, Lead Dance

Trainee Years: 3 years

How'd you become a trainee?: Scouted on the streets of Los Angelos when Sooyun was on vacation there. She accidentally bumped into an SM official, who ended up dropping all of his documents on the floor. Seeing that he was an elder, Sooyun was slightly kinder and less quiet. The official thought that she was really pretty and was impressed when she said she could sing as well, so she was scouted.

You're miss popular!

Best Friends:

Kim Mi Ho (김미호) | 20 years old | Indie rapper


Doesn't have any idol friends before debut.


Son Na Eun (손나은) | 18 years old | APink | Sooyun hates people who lie and deceive to get what they want. Sooyun hates girls that get whatever they want by acting cute. She witnessed Naeun getting away with trouble during Music Bank through a wink and a pout. The stage manager immediately let Naeun go when she pouted and blamed another girl. Since then, Sooyun hasn't been fond of Naeun's ways.


Love <3 Interest: Kai | 18

Back-up Love Interest: D.O. | 19

How do you act to each other? :

Kai - Sooyun and Kai are cold and distant toward eachother, both thinking that the other is arrogant and stubborn, when in reality, they have similar personalities. Kai tends to use aegyo with his band members while Sooyun is simply quiet and secretive.

D.O. - The two have a sibling-like relationship. D.O., having a motherly personality, likes to nag Sooyun about everything, from her health to her clothing. However, Sooyun is very thankful for someone like D.O. in her life and he is one of the few people that she trusts.

How did you meet? :

Kai - Met in the company after Sooyun was put into Exo-V and introduced to EXO-M and EXO-K.

D.O. - Met as trainees a while before D.O. was to put into EXO-K. The two had little communication once EXO debuted, and Sooyun felt very lonely and isolated without D.O.'s constant nagging.

How close are you? :

Kai - Practically enemies. Sooyun and Kai love to get into verbal arguments.

D.O. - Like siblings

Ex - Boyfriend : None

How did you meet? :

How do you act towards each other?:

Reason for break-up : 


Comments: Hello author-nims! I hope you guys get enough applicants for your story so that it can prosper. If you want, I can help you advertise this apply story on my own story. c:

Suggestions: None

Others: None

Password: We are one!

Which group would you like to be in? Exo-N or Exo-V? : Exo-V


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Thank you~! ^_^ Wonderful app!
Both Main Rap and Main Dance are taken, you may Choose Main vocal and any other leads, like lead rap, lead dance, lead vocal.
It's ok to have two leads for one talent, and we're also accepting two Main vocals.
We're changing Yeonsoo's position, so before she was was in Exo-V, now she's in Exo-N. So things should be easier for you guys. Tell me if you would like to change your position! Thanks for applying! ^_^