Help. KhunToria FANS/READERS. (^^;)

Uhm, yeah! Here I am making a PLAIN BLOG with my mobile. I just need to read a KHUNTORIA. But since IDK any of them. . . Can you RECOMMEND the BEST KHUNTORIA fics AROUND? T^T or the MOST RECOMMENDABLE perhaps? THANK YOU. Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu!


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I am pretty sure Kara-ah wanted it rated Keke... so you're now a Khuntoria shipper huh!
you asked for's it going so far? i'll try to search for you~ do you want me to post it here, or on you're wall? idk, do you want it rated or not? :O get back to me!:)
hehe missed you kara-chan unnie!
im not the BIGGEST fan of khuntoria but its not because i think they dont look good together, its just that i never really cared much about khuntoria. but why dont you watch wgm?
wow..~ X3333 why dont you watch khuntoria's wgm?? are you watching? X3333 gad! >< hm.. i dont have anything BEST to recommend though ><
i am khuntoria fans but up until now i havent encounter any good khuntoria ff.. sorry~!! tell me if you found 1~!!
I want khuntoria fics as well ^^ :)
diniruwaidah #8
hahaha i was khuntoria fan