Tiffany to Seohyun

Tiffany's self talk message to Seohyun:

"Seohyun-ah,  There have been less talking recently since we don't share a room anymore. So I'll try to talk more while we're here. You changed a lot. Maybe you're in love. *smiles*  I'm worried but I can't say anything because if I speak, you might take it the wrong way. It's weird to see you all grown up. but I'm happy. You've matured into a beautiful lady. Just continue to grow the way you are right now."

Cr @YoonYulsnsd

Wonder who was the lucky boy!



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I think what Tiffany meant by "Maybe you're in love" is Seohyun maybe fell in love with Yonghwa because Yongseo were still got cast in WGM at that time <3 <3 <3
Just let it be kyuhyun, please *praying*
oh my shipping heart :((
agreed with @dcyseokyu.. others know while us always being kept away >_<
Ooohh... Where did she say this??
So, I guess everyone in SM knew, except outside world like us? Damn rules! >_<
naue523 #6
Where was this from?
YoonYulsnsd #7
Yuri said something like "I wonder how will you look in your wedding..."