I Published a Book!

Hi everyone!

I know its been a really really long time. After COVID, I left my old job and took some time for myself. I did post some stories here and there on AFF, but I was working on something bigger. 

At the end of 2022, I sent out a book I had been working on for some time and got an offer! Satisfied with my accomplishment, I looked and found a new job, but was still working with my publishers to edit, find a cover, and finalize the blurb.

I'm so proud and happy to say that in February of this year I published my book called Love Hurts! Its a short, but fun story about a student who gets transfered to a new elite school and falls for the fencing king.

I just wanted to share the great news with you all. You have been reading my work for so long, cheering me on, and helping me better my writing. And I can say for a fact that I probably wouldn't be as passionate about my work if I didn't have the support and interest of all of you!

Thank you all so much and I hope you can take some time to read my work!!


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