lf: a cure to my yearning


it's that time again to expand my circle of friends and socialize again. the yapper in me has been silenced for too long.


about me : 

  • twenty- four so minors kindly click away.
  • plus side of the world, barely sleeps tho.
  • female fc most of the time, will definitely let you fc chase or match with you 
  • looking for people to befriend, annoy, yap with non stop and bonus point: hb sessions included, sharing music together, playing your favorite games as long as you teach me how to or plato with.

your requirements :

  • be
  • any faceclaim is welcome, as long as they're overage and not problematic
  • just be you honestly .. yeah i'll accept your red flags even <3 

promise it's worth the try so hey, send me your dc tag and i'll add you asap!!


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