CONTENT WARNING Homophobia, Bullying.

 ♯ she initialy got hate/criticized for being too loud/talking over her members during english interviews, which kind of snowballed into people hating her personality??? inspired by renee rapp and her 'lack' of media training
COLORS  #958d83   #546C84   #CA4D65   #D9C9B8 



BIRTHNAME Miranda Chloe Davis-Beckett, 미란다 클로이 데이비스-베켓 ⥌ She uses Miranda Beckett mainly as her full name is just too... full; with using Beckett because one of her moms, Eileen Beckett, was the one who initially adopted her.
 ♯ Heo Chaewon, 허채원 ⥌ Heo Chaewon is Miranda's name on her Korean birth certificate and on her adoption forms, making it her legal name before changing it to Miranda Chloe Davis-Beckett. Because there was no use for it, no one expect for her family knows her Korean birth name and Miranda disregarded Heo Chaewon being her Korean name.
 ♯ Baek Miran, 백미란 ⥌ Miranda's official Korean name, given to her by the members and fans since her name is closely related to her Korean name. It is mostly used by the Korean members when needed.
 ♯ Mimi, Mandy, Mands, Miri, Mir, Mirandy ⥌ General Nicknames.
 ♯ MCDB ⥌ Simply Miranda's initials that she uses across social media, but she hasn't revealed her full birth name as she strictly goes by Miranda Beckett. This causes some inside jokes within the fandom as to what the C and the D stands for.
 ♯ Mir Bug ⥌ A nickname that her moms called her when she was a baby. Obviously when she got older, she hated the "bug" part, but her moms still call her Mir Bug just to .
 ♯ White Girl ⥌ On all levels besides from ethnicity, Miranda is what you considered as a typical American white girl. She has been heavily influenced by the internet, and like every other person, closely follows all the trends. The fans jokingly calls her this.
 ♯ The 3rd Jung Sister ⥌ People have said that she looks like Jessica and Krystal Jung, and the fact that Miranda's personality is similar to the Jung sisters doesn’t help disprove it. Once again, fans and people around Miranda would say that she's the youngest Jung sister.

BIRTHDATE October 28th, 2002.
BIRTHPLACE Seoul, South Korea.
HOMETOWN Richmond, a, United States of America.
 ♯ English ⥌ Miranda's native tongue; the language she is most comfortable with. ⥌ Native.
 ♯ Korean ⥌ Her mother signed Miranda up for Korean classes when she was younger, but hasn’t studied the language until recently. She is mediocre at the language, actually speaking Korean is fine for her but she has troubles when reading and writing Hangul. ⥌ Proficient.
 ♯ Spanish ⥌ Miranda took a little bit of Spanish in middle school, and pursued it throughout high school. She is good at holding a conversation but struggles with the lexical gender aspect of the language. ⥌ Conversational.
 ♯ Japanese ⥌ Learned throughout training, only knows how to introduce herself and how to decently get around in Japan. ⥌ Beginner.


FACECLAIM Weki Meki's 루시.
BACKUP Kiss Of Life's 쥴리.

HEIGHT 172cm.
WEIGHT 53kg.

APPEARANCE Miranda looks similar to her faceclaim yet looks more Americanized. She has always been slightly taller than her peers, and got lucky in whatever gene pool she came from. She watches a handful of makeup content but likes to keep her makeup look natural. For her hair, it is dyed a shade or two lighter than her natural black hair, and it's been like that since middle school. She usually lets down her hair or puts it up into a messy bun.
STYLE Once again influenced by western media, Miranda tends to closely follow the fashion trends as one might do. Spotting her in a crowd just by her clothes might be hard to do cause once again, she is your typical white girl. ⥌ Mandy's Closet.

OTHER Miranda has five piercings; doubles, and a right cartilage piercing and wants to get more in the future. She's thinking about getting a belly button piercing but knows she'll get hated for it. She only has one small tattoo of the planet Saturn on her wrist. She got it a little after she turned 18, but there’s really no meaning behind it, she just thought it was cute. Miranda is thinking of getting more small tattoos in the future, but isn’t 100% sure yet.
 ♯ Left Wrist.



♯ ⥌ESTJ  The Executive, Scorpio, Slytherdor, Water Bender, Chaotic Neutral.

 ♯ Ambitious, Loyal, Competent, Vigilant.
 ♯ Zealous, Outspoken.
 ♯ Inflexible, Coveted, Uptight, Vain.

Miranda Beckett has always been a person who is highly ambitious. Being goal-oriented, she always strives for the top. In doing so, Miranda makes sure she is always confident and a people person, she knows that being friendly and loyal can make her go places. But being loyal is exactly how that sounds; she is with you through thick and thin. Though, it might seem that Miranda likes you just because of her ambitions, and this is still up to debate, even for her. Miranda is often said to be competent. It's very easy for her to naturally be an influence on other people, she knows how much her words impact people, even though she isn't fully aware of it. Miranda has high morals and sticks to her beliefs and is not afraid to challenge others who have different beliefs than she does. Miranda wasn't always like this, but had become very vigilant over the past few years. She pays close attention to those around her to make sure that they don't get hurt, whether that be physically, emotionally, or even mentally.
With Miranda's ambitions, comes zealously. She is an enthusiastic person, especially since she is goal-driven. However this would also mean that she can not stop until her goal is reached, and would do anything in the world to complete it, even if it's the smallest task. It is a no brainer that Miranda is pretty outspoken. She has been taught to stand up for herself when needed, and always be honest. Of course, this has its setbacks because it could always lead to Miranda getting in trouble, especially since she's going into the music industry. But nevertheless, Miranda is not afraid to call you out on your bull.
Due to the fact that Miranda has her set ways, she has become inflexible. Her zealousness does not allow her to be flexible, it has to be on her own time. Of course, Miranda sets aside time for her loved ones and herself. But because of this, Miranda is reluctant on most things. She is very picky about certain things, and takes a tremendous amount of time to make up her mind. Miranda can be a coveted person in the way that she can get very greedy. She tends to internally compare herself to others, leading her to wanting more in material possessions just so she can prove herself to be worthy. Miranda will follow somewhat selfish and obsessive paths to get whatever she wants, and will not stop until she gets it. Miranda can get uptight sometimes; most of the time. It has already been said before, but Miranda doesn't not want anything or anyone to get in her way with what she wants. She is not easily fazed by backlash but she does take them to the heart even though she doesn't show her emotions. Due to her being zealous, she also is vain. Though she is not overly vain, she does take pride in herself but not to the point that she always wants to be the center of attention. She tries to mask her insecurities and emotions by being enthusiastic and confident. Because of this, Miranda thinks she has everything in life but in reality, she still needs to work hard to get what she wants.


Heo Chaewon was born on October 28th, 2002 in Seoul, South Korea to her parents who weren't fit to be parents. They gave her up for adoption pretty quickly but several months later she was adopted by Eileen Beckett and her partner of seven years, Shanna Davis. They also have a son who was also adopted from Chicago, Jaden Davis-Beckett and is 4 years older than Chaewon. They lived in Richmond, ia and soon changed Chaewon's name to Miranda Chloe Davis-Beckett.
The Davis-Beckett family lived in your typical suburbs of ia and America — filled with conservatives. Because of this, the Davis-Beckett family was the only family that was out, and by that Miranda was bullied a lot for having two moms. She was subjected to passive aggressive homophobic behavior from her classmates, and for the most part, Miranda ignored them because that's what her moms told her to do. However, more times than not, Miranda did get annoyed with her classmates, particularly with a classmate named Carter Thwaite. Carter comes from a very religious family, and is often seen as a pretentious kid. Long story short, he bullied Miranda often in school.
Miranda was a quiet child, and did not mind not being the center of attention. She certainly wasn't popular, she was just another fly on the wall. However, that changed when she was in the 4th grade. Carter was once again teasing Miranda, but on this particular day she was having a bad one. So in response, she punched Carter square in the nose, giving him a bloody nose. Fortunately for her, she only got 5 days of suspension and a reprimanding from her moms. From that point on, her classmates saw her as a threat if you were to wrong her. She then became a popular girl within the schools.
Since then, Shanna wanted Miranda to "get in touch with her Korean roots." She signed Miranda up for Korean lessons in the 5th grade and Miranda learned Korean up until 7th grade due to the fact that her Korean teacher moved. In those two years of learning Korean, Miranda fell in love with K-POP, with Girls Generation, Infinite, and Red Velvet being some of her favorite groups. Nobody knew about this though, as K-POP was still a taboo thing at the time, especially in Richmond.
In early 2020 when her family were on a trip to New York, the family were walking around the city when a lady in a business suit came up to them, seeking out Miranda in particular. Of course, they were very wary of the stranger yet tried to be as polite as possible. Long story short, the lady told her that she was a representative of Source Music and that she believed Miranda had star potential.
After thinking about it for a while, Miranda thought that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. And after long conversations with her parents later, they decided to let Miranda go to Korea for training. Everything was set up for her to go but then the pandemic started, which forced her to stay in ia.
Truthfully, it was a blessing in disguise because Miranda had little to no prior experience with music except for mandatory music class in elementary school and one random summer where she went to hip hop classes with her friends. So, Miranda decided to train herself at home until the travel restrictions were lifted.
Miranda spent countless hours in her garage practicing singing and dancing with the help of YouTube videos and even some online courses that she paid for herself. In June of 2021 she graduated high school and after her graduation party, Miranda auditioned to Source Music online and got accepted, booking the first flight out to become an idol and seeing her birth country for the first time.


 ♯ Dark-ish colors and aesthetics.
 ♯ Coffee, teas, and cafe-style drinks and foods.
 ♯ Self-confident people; she gets along with them well.
 ♯ Dogs, cats, porcupines, turtles, snakes, and lizards.
 ♯ Astrology and space.
 ♯ Makeup and fashion.
 ♯ Her school days. Miranda acted like a total all through middle and high school, making passive aggressive comments to other kids. It was only after the lockdown began that she realized that she had become the stereotypical American mean girl.
 ♯ Homophobes, ists, racists, fatphobics, etc...
 ♯ Doing overly cute stuff, like excessive skinship and aegyo. She's affectionate on her own terms. Along the lines of this, Miranda tries to not be the ending fairy for stages, she feels so awkward doing them.
 ♯ Ticking sounds such as pens and clocks.
 ♯ Sasaengs and people who don't respect anyone's privacy.
 ♯ Repeatedly being told what to do.
 ♯ Volleyball, she was on her high school's volleyball team for about two years.
 ♯ Makeup & skincare.
 ♯ Traveling and exploring the world.
 ♯ Interior design, Miranda was planning to major in interior design but decided to to become an idol instead.
 ♯ Pottery.
 ♯ Online shopping.
 ♯ Hiding her phone. Miranda has nothing to hide, she just doesn't like people seeing her personal things.
 ♯ Saying what's on her mind without realizing, especially when it's judgemental.
 ♯ Not always using Korean mannerisms/honorifics.
 ♯ Using gender neutral terms. She grew up in a LGBTQ+ friendly household, so it's natural for her not to misgender anyone.
 ♯ Having the mentality of "I can change them!" with people around her. It's so that they can be a better version of themselves, as Miranda would claim.
 ♯ Looking at the nutrition labels, Miranda has a food dye intolerance so she often checks food labels to make sure that she's not consuming too much of the dye.
 ♯ Being universally hated and people outright "exposing" her.
 ♯ A slight fear of stickers, she just hates peeling them off/on, especially when it's directly on her food.
 ♯ Reading people well.
 ♯ Ironically, peeling off a sticker in one go.
 ♯ Freestyle rapping.
 ♯ Speaking Spanish.
 ♯ Her family has a 3-year old female miniature dalmatian named Dotty. Despite being a family dog, Dotty tends to cling onto Miranda the most.
 ♯ Many compare Miranda to Red Velvet's Irene and Black Pink's Jennie because they all get criticized for the most mundane things.
 ♯ Takes her skincare routine very seriously. One of the members to take the longest to get ready.
 ♯ Her scent of choice is Zara Gardenia 2017 by Zara.
 ♯ Miranda has glasses, but only wears them in the morning/night, otherwise she diligently wears her contacts.
 ♯ Miranda is one of the only members who is not afraid of bugs, so she is usually in charge of getting rid of any bugs in the dorm.
 ♯ People both like and dislike her for her outspoken persona, there's no in between.
 ♯ Miranda tends to listen and trust women more than men.
 ♯ She doesn't necessarily have a motto, but if asked, she'll jokingly say it's Nike's 'Just Do It.'
 ♯ Miranda is honestly a good cook, but she's one of those people who doesn't follow the recipe to a T and takes them as suggestions, adding other ingredients that she thinks goes with the dish.
 ♯ Has the most generic taste when it comes to music, movies, shows, and aesthetics.
 ♯ Is in charge of making coffee and tea in the morning for the members who wants some.
 ♯ Deja Boo's resident spoiler queen, and she often is very subtle with it.
 ♯ Takes lyric writing classes at Source Music, is expected to write and possibly produce songs for Deja Boo.
 ♯ When drunk, Miranda is very honest and vulnerable with anything you ask her.
 ♯ Miranda's dream is to visit every country. She has already visited (not including America or South Korea) Canada, Mexico, England, and Ireland.
 ♯ Majority of packages shipped to the Deja Boo dorm is for Miranda, she is slightly obsessed with online shopping.
 ♯ @mrndbcktt on Instagram. It is privated.
 ♯ @mirandy.b also on Instagram. She created the new account when Deja Boo were allowed SNS freedom.
 ♯ @mandy.becktt on TikTok.


Elieen Beckett, Shanna Davis
Moms1976, 1979Real Estate Agent, Occupational Therapist
 ♯ To her mothers, Miranda is their baby girl; she can do no harm in their eyes. So, it's a no-brainer that Miranda gets along with them.
However, Miranda has a stricter relationship with Eileen, whom she and Jaden both call Eileen, Mom. Eileen is seen as the patriarch of the Davis-Beckett household as she is the one usually setting the rules. To Eileen, Miranda is her baby girl and always wants the best for her, even if that includes stricter parenting than Shanna's parenting.
Shanna, obviously, is much more laidback when it comes to parenting. Once again, Jaden and Miranda both call Shanna, Mama. With Miranda's relationship with Shanna, she always gets the benefit of the doubt, being called as the fun parent by the children, much to Eileen's dismay.
When Miranda told her parents about Source Music and how she got accepted, of course they were indifferent about it. Despite how Miranda wanted to go to university in New York, it's a different situation when your daughter would become an idol in a different country. But in the end, the two once again wanted what's best for Miranda and ultimately let her go to Korea.
Jaden Davis-Beckett
Older Brother 1998Programmer
 ♯ It's not to say that Miranda and Jaden don't get along with each other, they just never been that close. The two siblings are never the ones who would show affection to one another, and they couldn't be more opposite from each other; Miranda is loud and outspoken while Jaden is quiet and a private person.
Jaden is also very confused about the whole idol thing. He never was that interested in music, let alone Korean music, so no matter how many times Miranda tried explaining how she was going to Korea to debut, he never could quite get it but had been supportive of his sister's decision.
Kendall Vause
Best Friend 2003Small Business Owner, University Student
 ♯ Miranda and Kendall became friends when Kendall was the new girl in 5th grade. The two became friends instantly, with Miranda inviting Kendall into her clique, and they haven't been separated since. The two often joke that they are sisters, even to the point that they call each other's parents mom and dad. Even after school, they always hung out together and they even thoroughly planned that they would go to university and live together in New York City.
Then, of course, the pandemic hit. Miranda and Kendall still talked constantly under lockdown, and even changed their plans after high school. But as time went on, Kendall started a clothing and jewelry business while Miranda auditioned for the Source Music. When Miranda got accepted, the best friend's plans came to a complete standstill.
Kendall is very supportive of Miranda yet is sad to see her best friend live in a different country and not spend their university lives together. But they still talk nearly everyday and Kendall tries to support Deja Boo in whichever way possible.
Groupmate 2005Deja Boo
 ♯ relationship elaboration.
relation agejob
 ♯ relationship elaboration.


STAGE NAME Mandy, 맨디 ⥌ One of her nicknames growing up, Miranda wanted to use Mandy as a stage name.

TALENT TWIN aespa's 지셀 ⥌ Billlie's 시윤.
PREFERRED POSITION Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist.

 ♯ Stage Presence ⥌ here.
 ♯ Rapping ⥌ here.
 ♯ here ⥌ here.
 ♯ Korean Shows ⥌ here.
 ♯ here ⥌ here.

TRAINEE LIFE 1 Year at Source Music.



 ♯ DIVE Studios ⥌ Miranda was invited to DIVE Studios podcast, 'Daebak Show' as a guest, hosted by Eric Nam. Like the other interviews, Miranda talked about her upbringing leading to her joining Deja Boo. After the episode aired, the fans liked her appearance on the channel and DIVE Studios invited Miranda back on other shows such as 'Get Real', 'HWAITING', as well as 'Mindset.' ⥌ 2022-202X.
 ♯ Outta My Head ⥌ A non promotional release, the company wanted the members of Deja Boo to showcase their hard work through solo activities. Miranda was one of the first members to release a song, 'Outta My Head.' ⥌ 2023.
 ♯ MIRANDY 미란디 ⥌ Inspired by 'Johnny's Communication Center,' Miranda wanted to do vlogs of her own, uploading them to Deja Boo's official YouTube channel. The name Mirandy is a combination of Miranda and Mandy. ⥌ 2023-202X.

 ♯ Deja Boo's Mandy Talks About the LGBTQ+ Community ⥌ Because it has been publicly stated that Miranda was raised by lesbians, it was universally accepted that Miranda was queer. And while that was the case, Miranda never had an official coming out post, she just did it privately but still spoke about her coming out journey online through Instagram and TikTok. Since coming to Korea, Miranda didn't know how taboo being LGBTQ+ was and how Korea was more of a conservative country than the States. So, numerous of times, she has spoken in support of queer rights, gaining many support from fans alike.
Not surprisingly, there are still people who don't like Miranda's outspokenness about the subject, claiming that it's a wrong message to send to her impressionable fans, and even boycotting Deja Boo, though failing miserably. But does Miranda care about what people have to say about her? Not one bit. ⥌ 2023.
 ♯ Deja Boo's Mandy Speaks Out Against Sasaeng Fans ⥌ It came to a point in Miranda's career as a Deja Boo member where she was kind of just done with all of the rumors spreading around about her as well as her group mates, whether it was the good ones or the bad ones. She never understood why the public liked to analyze everything little thing that an idol does, but she usually brushed past those comments.
-  Is it true that you were a bully?
-  Is [member] dating [random idol]?
-  Are you dating [random idol]? Are you single?
-  Touch your hair if you hate HYBE
-  Where's [member]? I wanna see them

While Miranda usually ignored comments like this, something in her one day exploded. It was supposed to be a mundane live that she was doing, and she saw comments similarly in vain to the one above. Miranda took a sharp breath and calmly explained how much she hates these types of comments and how she was contemplating whether or not to report them just to get rid of them. Like clockwork, the livestream became a discourse online, some defending Miranda and speaking out against weird fans and the other side of the coin, where people said that she was just overreacting and way too sensitive. ⥌ 2024.

 ♯ Deja Boo's Mandy Under Fire for Disrespecting her Seniors ⥌ People can take things out of context and dramatically change the narrative. This incident happened at a HYBE event where the HYBE artists did a concert together. Near the end, however, Miranda was seen not bowing to her seniors even though the other members of Deja Boo did. Still not that comfortable with Korean culture, Miranda simply forgot to bow but did do it shortly after seeing her members bow. Even before this, a handful of people noticed Miranda not bowing at the appropriate times or not using Korean honorific terms.
As this incident involved multiple people, especially their artists, HYBE made Miranda issue a public apology to her seniors and fans. ⥌ 2023.
 ♯ Deja Boo's Mandy Accused of Bullying ⥌ Shortly after Deja Boo had been announced as a headliner for Coachella, some people who were her classmates since elementary exposed her past after punching Carter. They started with that and recounted their perspective that day, and how Miranda became a queen bee ever since.
Former classmates from her later school years spoke out against Miranda, saying that she had a passive aggressive behavior towards them, but had little to no evidence to backup their accusations, just hearsay. And while the some of the accusations were true and Miranda was feeling guilty of her past behavior, she is never the type of person to actually admit that she was in the wrong. ⥌ 2024.


 ♯ Her Same- Family is Revealed ⥌ here.
 ♯ Mandy is Annoying in Western Interviews? ⥌ here.

 ♯ Mandy "Disrespecting" her Seniors ⥌ here.
 ♯ Mandy is Annoying Part 2: Electric Boogaloo ⥌ here.

 ♯ Her Passive Aggressive School Behavior is Exposed ⥌ here.


STATUS here.
ENDING here.

BACKUP here.





 ♯ Though Miranda has had many flings in the past, mainly with boys and girls, and other genders through middle school and high school, she hasn't been interested in anyone since the lockdown. But since coming to Korea, Miranda has been interested in a few people here and there, mainly with other idols, but nothing too serious.
 ♯ Miranda is openly queer and came out in 2016. She claims that there is no specific label on her uality; she just likes whoever she wants to like.
 ♯ here.

I read the things they write about me, hear what they're saying on the TV, it's crazy. It's getting hard for them to shock me, but every now and then it's shocking, don't blame me. I know it's the life that I chose
#h2gkmo #philauti



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so, i'm gonna be joining deja boo as well, and mandy is probably one of my favorite characters that you have
so- like- hand in marriage, ms. miranda chloe davis-beckett?
hi! would you like to collab?