Dear K.. I just don't know


I know you won't read this. You seems burnt all the bridges to the internet world. 

But I just want to tell you that I miss you so much. I miss to have our deep convo, about our worries and concerns. About the girl group that we adore together. I miss sharing the pictures from the private mail with you. I don't know how to reach you out. It is like I am a blind person in a dark room. It is a blackout. I tried to engage with new people. But, it is so hard to find someone like you, who I could click with from the second we started to talk. I don't know whether we could talk again. But it won't be the same. 

I can feel you are kind, you have a soft heart. You are genuine, you are sincere. But you just wanted to be in the shadow. You did not want to unconceal your identity. But it was my fault who wanted it more. I was frustrated when you were MIA for a month. And those questions just slipped from my fingers. Your words, "I am nothing but a stranger you met online," still lingers and aching. 

Why the time moves so slow? 

I pray and pray and pray to God, if you are the best for me, I beg to God to bring you back. But if you're not, may God put my heart at ease. 


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