How have you been?


Long time no see. It's been awhile. I thought I'd write to you and let you know how I'm doing. First, I want to start off by saying, I'm sorry.  I apologize for my long absence. I've been busy with life, but I never stopped writing. During my writing hiatus, I've been taking time to myself. Truthfully, I've lost confidence in my writing so I had to stop for a while. I've been reading to sharpen my craft as a writer. I'm not totally back with writing; I've still got a lot to learn. Also, my personal life/responsibilites doesn't give me much time to write as often as I used to. Don't worry, I've been well and am continuing to doing well. There's not a day that I don't think about my stories on AFF. Honestly, I've lost inspiration for my current stories. There are a lot of factors behind my lost inspiration. Quitting my hobby as a writer has never crossed my mind. It's been an internal battle; I mentioned before that I'm a perfectionist. While being a perfectionist has it's positves, it also has its negatives. I can be very critical about my work, and it seems like there's never a time I feel satisfied with my work, because I feel that there's always room for improvement. My college writing professor once told me "your final draft won't be perfect, there's no perfect paper. You can always revise and improve your writing." I've been thinking about that a lot. I could definitely improve in my writing.

I'm not sure when I'll pick back up with my current stories. I'm sorry. I know many of you have been waiting and asking for an update. I don't think now is the time for that. I mentioned that I've been writing. A new story idea has been on my mind for some time now. It's a Taengsic Story. I've been toiling with this story during my free time. It's not finished; it's a work in progress. If I was going to make a comeback with my writing I think this could be my comeback story. 


So I'd like your opinion. Would you like me to post this story? If I get enough comments (maybe 25 comments?) requesting that I post this story I will work on putting it together. I'll check back in a week and hopefully I'll hear from you all.


I hope you all are doing well. If you have any questions leave a comment below and I'll get back to you asap. Have a good rest of your day. 

- Affxionatesone

P.S. I don't have time to proof read this I just wrote this this morning, before going to work. So please excuse any typos XD I'll reveiw them later. 


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Fighting okee
It's good to hear that you are doing great, thor. :))
You don't have to worry about it. I totally understand you. :) All your works are totally good tho :)
Yun4ch4n #3
Everyone has the source of inspiration and encouragement. Never be afraid to draw upon them. I hope that we are a source of encouragement. When you are ready, I would love to read more from you. I actually love the learning process, watching my brother progress through his art is exciting and I'm honored to be apart of that. So any part of your journey you share with us will be an honor. Thanks for messaging us!
As a fellow perfectionist, I empathise with you. I have lost count on how many times I created an outline, made a draft, try to work on it to make it as an update only to just delete it after and start from checkpoints that I think is enough to satisfy myself. It's like your own self is preventing you from developing because you want everything to be perfect all at once. It really is annoying (annoying is an understatement) and frustrating.

But keep holding on! We'll wait for your return until you're ready ^^
Taengsic for life!
Good to hear you've been well! don't worry, I get how difficult sometimes is to get inspiration or how it feels to feel like your writing is not good enough, but trust me, we all love your works!!!. it'd be nice to ahve you back if you're ready! Good luck!
I'm hoping for a comeback story from you, it's a good start :D I'm glad you're doing okay with your personal life and never thought of quit your writing. :D always good luck.
Renata_Mdl #8
Yepp.. post it please
It's nice to have news about you author, I've been missing your writing, I think it's great that you have been writing, and I believe that your TaengSic story will help you a lot so I say Yes please share with us your story ^-^ thanks author, good luck, you'll see you are doing it great (^-^)/ fighting
Sweetix #10
Taengsic is always a good Idea and maybe the new story helps you to get inspiration for your old story so go for it and I'm glad your back😊