
...it can be so disheartening for writers when there isn't a response to a fic they have been working on.

After all, a lot of time and effort is put into writing it out, into creating that story, so if you enjoyed even a little bit of it don't hesitate to let the writer know you did! One little comment, one upvote or subscription, it could mean just the world to a writer. 

I am speaking generally here. Feedback from the readers is just as important as the actual fanfics, I can't stress this enough. You can't expect someone to be willing to continue writing if there is no response to their works. You can't expect them to want to write after getting nothing that will replenish their will to do so. 


So please, it will cost you nothing to click one button or write a single word to cheer someone on, especially younger and new writers, people who just start out.

Encourage them and I promise, the results you'll get will be better than anything you might expect! :)


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I don't understand when people don't write comments or show it in other ways that they enjoyed reading ... I sometimes forget it (when I read late at night or smt) but then I always feel so bad. ...
Well I hope this will change..
That's true!! Its so sad read some discouraged thought about lack of feedback of some very good authors... even for new ones... a little advice, a little encourage is powerful for them.
;-; I just got back from a break of fandom toxicity and I am sad to see you disheartened over the lack of response. You are one of my favorite authors and I really do respect your writing. I've been trying to catch up on your works. I love your sports!au and your pirates!au. I hope you don't lose your spark as a writer; I know that can be very difficult when you feel as if you are releasing your work into an empty audience. ;-;