LGBTQ rights

At school we were discussing Gay marriage rights in history for some reason. And the class was asked to answer this question : WWYD if your child was gay or bi or anything else. This girl raised her hand, saying she would give it up. This statement, from a christain, does in fact go against scripture. In Timothy , it states that you are denied faith of you are to not care or be there for your own family. 

Everyone else said they didn't approve of it, but their child is still their child.

It was my turn. I said : as a person of the LGBTQ community, (yes, I basically came out to my teacher and class) I would accept my child. God knows if I were denied my rights as a human because of my ual orientation I wouldn't feel accepted. I went on restating bible versus, explain Jesus accepted gay people. 


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Oh! And I forgot to add, it was great of you to do it politely instead of rudely responding back to someone else's opinion even though you didn't agree.
That's good that you told them how you felt about the issue. Keep the amazing work up!
I'm not a religious person, but like ... I don't understand why people need religious scripts to respect other people. It's basic human rights, does it really matter what some deity said in a society 2000 years ago?
If God or Jesus or ... literally, anyone, walked the earth today, those books would be rewritten. And they should be reinterpreted (as I know they are, but really)
I don't understand it.

To me, asking "would you accept your child if it was non-straight?" is like asking "would you accept your child if its favorite color was blue?" or "would you accept your child if it was brown-eyed?"

I really don't understand religion when it comes to this. As much as I understand the need to believe in something, the need to justify the bullying of other people is something I'll never understand.

(Sorry if I offended you, you seem to know your religion very well. ; _ ;)