About Me (questions)

First off, today, I passed my physical readiness test. I didn't get excellent but it's better than being satisfactory or failing. Treated myself to some Jollibee 2pc chicken tenders with palabok, pineapple juice, and halo-halo. Also treated the wifey to Sizzler so we have that steak buffet, and of course had a sundae with it. I probably regained more than the calories I lost for that fitness test.

Anyway, since all I gotta do is sleep in a bit and I'm just doing a routine check on everyone's blog posts here on AFF, I saw some people doing these about me tags/questions. I decided to do one because... why not?

This is apparently the site: https://www.tagquestions.net/get-to-know-me-tag/

  1. What is your full name? G. L. (I would prefer not saying my full name here)
  2. Are you named after anyone? I doubt it but they did tease me, calling me G***** Cruz because I had the same first name as her
  3. What does your name mean? estuary, ben, juniper tree, it's also a city in Switzerland... idk I just searched them up on Google lol
  4. Where are you from? Philippines (partly Washington, USA idek anymore I moved and lived almost all my life on those two places)
  5. Where do you live? California, USA
  6. Where were you born? Philippines
  7. Which of your parents are you closest to? Biological dad and I were pretty close cause I was a daddy's little princess but we haven't really talked in a while and hearing the background of a lot of things from my mother, idk anymore.... I would say my mother then.
  8. Which of your parents are you more like? Mom
  9. What is your favorite drink? Sweet tea/Pineapple juice/Orange juice/Coconut water/Sonic's Oceanwater (i'm sorry I can't just choose one)
  10. What is your favorite food? A lot of food to name just one
  11. What is your favorite holiday destination? Home although wife and I would like to visit Japan once again
  12. What is your favorite childhood memory? Not paying bills
  13. What is your favorite way to pass time? I don't usually have time to myself anymore LOL (but I use Twitter, write fanfics, or play the PS4 whenever I even have spare time for myself)
  14. What is your favorite snack? Kettle popcorn/White cheddar popcorn
  15. What is your favorite sport? Maybe ultimate frisbee or badminton even though I'm bad at them
  16. What is your biggest regret? B***h I can't name just one
  17. Are you a fan of any sports team? I don't follow sports sorry, do I seem like a sports trash to you?
  18. Are you a dog person or cat person? Yes
  19. Are you scared of heights? Yes but there are exceptions
  20. At what age did you go on your first date? 19
  21. What is an ideal first date for you? Walking around the city and just talking and having cute little dates in cafes
  22. What is at the top of your bucket list? Paying off my loans
  23. What is something you are gifted at? Functioning even with minimal sleep
  24. What is something you look for in a partner? I have to be rated Pg-13 LOL but I guess someone who's well off on their own (but I'm not free to look around anymore)
  25. What is something you wish you were gifted at doing? Playing a lot of instruments or being athletic
  26. What is the one item you can’t leave home without? My phone
  27. What is the best compliment you have ever received? One I could actually remember, recently a lot of people said I looked badass (like I could beat someone up LOL, I'm a pacifist unless I need to defend myself)
  28. What is the first book you remember reading? Treasure Island(?)
  29. What is the first movie you remember seeing? Some Disney movie idk
  30. What is the last book you read? The Lost Boy (I haven't finished it though)
  31. Do you like pets? OMG HEAR MY NEXT ANSWER GOOD GOD
  32. Do you have any pets? We have 5 pets, 2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hedgehog
  33. What is the name of your first pet? Can't say for privacy purposed but just think it kind of relates to nuts LOL
  34. What is your best physical feature? ME DAMN, nah I lied, but I like my eyes
  35. What is your biggest accomplishment? I'm all settled down
  36. What is your eye color? Brown
  37. What is your favorite color? Navy Blue
  38. What is your favorite fairytale? That Tae Yeon lived happily ever after
  39. What is your favorite ice-cream flavor? How about yogurt? I like tart
  40. What is your favorite music genre? It changes a lot but I've been listening to a lot of Kpop again
  41. What is your favorite nickname? Beebee
  42. What is your favorite quote? "Suffer and suffer through, and there’s a rainbow colored happiness waiting on the other side. Do not rush it; do not be greedy. Don’t give up, because everybody takes a step at a time." - Aya Kitou
  43. What is your favorite type of clothing? I like streetwear/skate fashion although I like preppy looking ones too but I like skate fashion more because it looks cool and comfortable
  44. What is your most commonly used swear word? /b*tch there's no in between
  45. What is your star sign? Sagittarius
  46. Do you have a best friend, if so, then who? I... to this day... don't consider anyone as a best friend but I do have close friends I could always go back to, Katie, Megumi, and Shantia
  47. Do you have a tattoo? Yes
  48. Do you have any allergies? Maybe... the ink they used in this tattoo has been giving me rash... probably from excessive sunlight exposure even after months of getting it... not too sure
  49. Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where? Yes, on my right hand
  50. Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for? I don't keep up with such unless it becomes too much of a huge issue
  51. Do you prefer kissing or cuddling? Yes LOOOOL
  52. What piece of technology can you not live without? My phone
  53. What was the first concert you ever attended? It was actually a rave/EDM 2013 I believe at Chicago
  54. What was your favorite subject in High School? Psychology
  55. What was your first job? Military
  56. What was your least favorite subject in High School? History
  57. What is the furthest you’ve ever been from home? Been going on for years now LOL
  58. What is your biggest fear? Snakes
  59. When did you suffer your first heartbreak? Back in elementary school
  60. When was the first time you were on a plane? When we were flying to the US a LOOOOONG time ago
  61. When was the last time you cried? I don't remember
  62. When was the last time you got in a fist fight? The only thing I remember was with my brother YEARS ago
  63. Who has left the most impact on your life? Mom?
  64. Who is the best teacher you ever had? I didn't care about anything at school... so I definitely didn't care about the teachers either lol
  65. Who is the first person you call when something exciting happens? Wife
  66. Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens? Wife
  67. Who is your favorite musician? Tae Yeon
  68. Who is your role model? Myself, I seriously don't care about anyone as much LOL, I'm horrible
  69. Who was your first Boyfriend/Girlfriend? Carlos
  70. Who was your first Celebrity crush? Um... maybe Kim Chiu?
  71. Who is your favorite actor? No one specific
  72. Who is your favorite actress? My wife 
  73. Describe yourself in a single sentence? you
  74. Have you ever dated two people at the same time? Dated unofficially yes, I was confused and unsure but I wasn't officially together with any of them
  75. Have you ever suffered a fracture? I have a slipped vertebrae if that counts
  76. Have you ever visited a country outside your continent? Yes
  77. How many Boyfriends/Girlfriends have you had? 2 official ones yup, I'm not a garden tool LOL
  78. How many relationships have you been in? Isn't it the same thing as the above question?
  79. If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be? Don't be an awkward
  80. Last time you swam in a pool? Probably when I had to jump on a diving board because I had to 5 years ago
  81. What is your most embarrassing moment? HAHAHAHAHAHA
  82. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your fashion sense? 10 because IDGAF about my fashion sense and if I'm wearing it, then I'd say it looks good
  83. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your driving skills? 7, still need to be careful with merging or changing lanes
  84. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, rate your cooking skills? 8, decent enough but not TV chef material
  85. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how good a kisser are you? My wife says 10 and that I'm a good kisser and that this is a stupid question because there is no in between... she right though, it's either you're a good kisser or a bad one.
  86. One thing you know now that you wish you had known as a kid? Not everyone is going to like you and you don't have to stoop up to their level to catch up. Be yourself and the right people will come to you and stay
  87. The first app you check when you wake up in the morning? Whichever has a notification
  88. What app do you use most? Nowadays, twitter
  89. What are some of your bad habits? Anger management
  90. What are your favorite things about yourself? I'm actually a nice person, easy to get along with despite my apparently mean outside persona
  91. What are your hobbies? Isn't that question 13?
  92. What countries have you visited? Well.. have been in... Philippines, USA, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, South Korea... that should be it
  93. What countries would you like to visit? Italy, Greece, UK, Scotland, Thailand
  94. What do you consider unforgivable? Physical, emotional abuse
  95. What do you do for a living? I'm a slave to the government

If you would like to ask anymore questions, feel free to comment and I'll answer them depending if it invades privacy or not LOL


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