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I just found this challenge out this morning when I log-in.

It is called Mirror-Mirror 2017 Challenge, started by Korekrypta.

What is the Mirror-Mirror 2017 (#mm2k17) challenge?

Simply put, it's to encourage readers to comment more and authors to reply to their readers more and to get rid of the author aggravation of "why no comments?" and the reader aggravation of "but the author doesn't care, so why should I?"

If you want a TL;DR, scroll down for the challenges.


Recently, I've seen a lot of authors and a lot of readers complaining about something that is sort of a mini Catch-22.  It basically goes like this:

Authors complain about silent readers, and about receiving "update soon!" comments with precious little else to indicate that they are actually subscribed to and reading the story and not just posting a couple of works to gain karma points.

More than upvotes and subscribers, comments – decent comments with what the readers like, think could be improved, or with anything else about the chapter (or chapters) the readers have just read – are the lifeblood of any author writing a story.  It shows them that the people subscribed are actually reading their story, and that they care, and that they are enjoying it.  The majority of authors on this site find "update soon" comments and large numbers of silent readers dispiriting.  Writing chapters takes time – if a chapter is about 1500-2000 words long, it'll take somebody who sits down and works solidly at it and doesn't need to go back and edit or pause to think about things (or to get on with school work, job work, eating or sleeping or other things life throws at them) at least a couple of hours to write, but will most likely be spread out over the course of days or weeks depending on what time they can nab.  To get little to no feedback on it, or a two-word comment that seems to dismiss all that hard work, does not incentivise writers to write.

But there's a flipside.

Readers complain about authors too – the ones who don't reply to comments and the ones who keep asking for or demanding comments (and especially those who hold chapters to ransom for a certain number of comments or don't reply to the comments they've asked for).  Yes, there are an awful lot of silent readers – but if you're getting more than between 10-20% of the number of your voters commenting on every chapter, you are doing phenomenally well; that's rare on any writing site – and the vast majority of site users access AFF via mobile devices.  Typing long comments on a phone is irritating.  Sometimes they don't know what to say.  But it's really disheartening to comment (especially multiple times) on a story and never to receive a repliy from the author, because that equally looks like the author doesn't care about their readers.


Here's the mirror-mirror part.  Silent readers and authors who don't reply to comments.  Silence on both sides.  "Update soon!" comments and "I want X comments before the next chapter!"/"Why don't you guys ever comment?" (Author never replies).  Aggravating to both sides.

As an author who responds to every comment she receives, I've had a lot of silent readers who've started commenting, and who have started commenting regularly or commenting on other people's stuff, and I have readers who regularly comment on every chapter of mine.  A lot of them have told me that the reason do so when they otherwise wouldn't is because they know I'll respond.  They like it because a lot of authors don't respond.  In fact, I've seen a lot of authors request comments that they then don't respond to.


What can we do about it?

If my experience is anything to go by, it's this: readers will be more likely to comment on a chapter if they know that the author will read and respond to their comment.  They are more likely to comment on further chapters if they receive a response, too.  Authors are more motivated to update quickly when people comment, particularly if lots of people comment.  If the author responds to those comments, people are more encouraged to comment next time.

So challenge yourself to one of these for the year, and stick #mm2k17 on your profile to show you're participating!

1. #mm2k17 standard challenge

For readers: I pledge to write a (minimum of a) three-sentence comment on at least one story per week.

For authors: I pledge to respond to up to at least three comments I receive on one fic per chapter I post.

2. #mm2k17 mega challenge

For readers: I pledge to write a (minimum of a) three-sentence comment for every chapter of a story of my choice.

For authors: I pledge, on all my fics, to respond to up to at least three comments I receive for each chapter I post.

3. #mm2k17 ultra challenge

For readers: I pledge to write a (minimum of a) three-sentence comment for a fic each day or so I'm reading on AFF.

For authors: I pledge to reply to all my comments on all my fics from this point on.





So, I'm planning to take up the #mm2k17 challenge as an author BUT it is unfortunate that I'll be taking #mm2k17 standard challenge as a reader. You see I always have this problem of leaving comment by chapter (I seriously don't know how since I'm too desperate to read the next chapter) STILL I SWEAR I DO leave a comment at the very end of the story or chapter (available at that time).


#mm2k17 here I come ^^


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I always reply to my readers. There has only ever been ONE I didn't reply to, and I remember on which fic and what they said, because it was really rude to me for literally the stupidest reasons ever xD
I also comment on every fic I read, but sometimes I dont enjoy a story so I dont comment... I think that's fair. Hey, I even am that weird person who comments on other people's comments. People are often surprised when I do that.
I also do story responses to requests and chapter responses to questions (in my workshop story). People rarely ask but I like it when they do cuz it means they value my writing/opinion and stuff. People are super surprised when I do that and it does make for a lovely exchange.
I have one or 2 regular readers who comment on all my stuff and I seriously love them for it.
I also, considering all this, do make a judgement whether to comment based on if other comments have replies or not. No replies, I dont comment cuz I feel it will be overlooked like the others.
So in this fashion I do declare that I like this mirror mirror thing. And will pledge not to be a lazy commenter and actually stick to always commenting :)
Lol tbh I reply to all comments I have a reply to but I still get all the silent readers xD what am I doing wrong?
I comment a lot when I feel like it but there are times when I read writers ranting about the comments they receive and I start thinking that what if my comments are those that annoy them although I don't say update soon. I don't know. As an author I appreciate comments but also find it very hard to respond to a comment that's not related to the chapter. Is that bad? D:
I'm an "rookie" author & a very loud reader, so definirely I'll take this challenge for all the stories that I will read/update later!!! Fighting! Fighting!!!
#mm2k17 challenge as a reader and author, but probably more as a reader. i will comment on everything i read (and not just crappily) and, if the occasion should arise, reply to comments on my stories. i think aff will really be better.
Well, I reply to every comment even if I could only write a smiley XD
Readers should start to give more feedbacks since that's about the only way to show their appreciation to each chapter (and upvoting is also one but it's optional)
And the writers should reply to the commenters to show their appreciation as well...
That way,The reader-author relationship will strengthen ^^
omg, i was going to do a blog post about how commenters usually won't feel like commenting because the author doesn't reply them-- cause it makes them feel like their comments aren't appreciated;; and you beat me to it! xD I always reply to all my comments though, because I appreciate their comments, and I know as a reader it's frustrating not to receive a reply. Unless it's a simple "update soon", i would usually reply to my comments. And it's true, i don't feel like commenting, or at least don't feel like commenting long sentences if the author doesn't reply. In some stories, I commented questions about their stories i'm curious about, but some authors don't even reply :< (i even stalked them to see if they're online okay--) so they definitely saw my comment xD It's not always the reader's fault for not commenting-- it's because authors who don't reply make them feel like, "I don't think my comment is necessary" "Why didn't she reply?? Did i say something wrong?" Well, at least that's how I feel and I think this should be a mutual appreciation (of comments and stories) like how idols appreciate their fans, authors too should appreciate their commenters, and also silent readers