2016 Reflections | 2017 Resolutions


(Ignore typos, I didn't go through and edit mistakes).

Yes, I'm aware it's probably cheesy of me to post a song called Reflection when I'm doing a new years reflection, but idgaf. And, the song sums up what 2016 kind of meant to me, in a way.

Honestly speaking, 2016 . For me personally, it was an awful year. I went through quite a bit of emotion turmoil and physical pain (still am). I had set a lot of goals that almost all failed and I let myself down more than anything this past year. And, I regret so much of it all.

I'm a naturally pessimistic person. I rarely look on the bright side of things, because I don't feel the importance of doing so when overall, everything is still bad. But, as the final week of 2016 draws in, I may as give those good moments a bit of reflection, too.

I went through three jobs this year, and starting off, it seemed like I went from one bad job to another, but my new job has gotten better and I'm more comfortable and can handle working there emotionally (for now).

Even though it only lasted for a month, I was able to set some writing goals that I did manage to accomplish. I haven't written but 600 or so words, however, for my 15k goal of December. I blame the holidays for that, seeing as how I had maybe a total of five days off through the entire month until now. I worked myself to death. But, it was worth it, because I was able to surprise my family with something we haven't been able to have in so long. An actual Christmas.

I got ahead in writing Fifty Shades of Jimin, though I don't know how much longer that'll last, since I haven't been able to write more since. But, I still got a good ways to go before being behind again.

I got a new phone (praise the lord).

I've established credit, and am on the way to building it up.

I've gotten more into Seventeen and my life feels more complete (BTS is the UB group tho, dw).

My kpop collection has grown and it brings me immense joy to look upon my glorious shelves. I'm proud of them (I have pictures if anyone wants to see).

Even though I didn't accomplish nearly any of my resolutions for the past year, I still can say that I've grown up and matured. I am an adult now, and feeling the full brunt of that. That, within itself, is both good and bad.

BTS won a Daesang. 'Nuff said. As someone who's been there since long before they really became 'popular', I am beyond proud of those little dorks.

I got a new bed.

I got a new laptop.

I ate a lot of Chicken this year.

Tbh, I'm sure more good things happened, but I like I said, I'm pessimistic by nature and can't think of anymore off the top of my head. And now that I've reflected on the past year, I'll go into what I hope will happen in 2017, with my stories, my life, and everything in general.


Move is one of my favorite songs (number 3 on the list, in fact) and I think it's a good song to listen to if you want to both reflect on the past and look forward to the future. We all get to say goodbye to the year of 2016 now, however good or bad it was.

To be honest, I don't want to set any resolutions, but I know that just like the previous year, I will probably not accomplish most of them. But, I also know it's good to have a goal to work toward.

My birthday is in two weeks, and I will no longer be a teenager. I'll be 20, and that kind of scares me. I know there are many on here who are older than me, some that even read my stories, I'm sure. But, not too long ago, I didn't I would live to the age of 20 and now that I have, I don't know where to go from here.

I suppose the best thing for me to do, is to set writing goals. I have no idea what direction my life is heading in, at this moment, so I won't bother making a goal yet that concerns something that can change in a matter of hours or days.








First of all, I will definitely finish Fifty Shades of Jimin. I only have it post up until the 35th shade at this point, but I have 44 written, and six shades left go (five and a half, technically). This is a definite accomplished in the early part of 2017.


I want to finish the first 3rd of the Dark&Wild challenge (first five tracks, give or take). I've already finish the first versions of Danger and Let Me Know (I say first versions because I do plan to rewrite them, but those aren't priority). And three stories may seem like quite a bit, but Hip Hop Lover is only going to be 3 chapters max, and WAITY is only 20, five of which are already complete. WOH may be the only one I don't manage to finish with in the year, but I'll live if that doesn't happen.


Fifty Shades of Bangtan, Delivery and Blood, Sweat and Tears are stories I plan to write in 2017, but am uncertain of whether or not I'll finish them (and it's leaning more likely to not, except for maybe FSOB).

Bedtime Companion is my story for Nano2017 (I know it's really far in advanced, but it was originally going to be for 2016 until my plans changed). I don't know if 50k will be enough to finish it, but I think it will.


Eternal and Crimson Thread are two stories that I do not plan to write in 2017, but do thorough planning of. These are fantasy stories that require quite a bit of plotting and I want them to be the best they possibly can be.

Another goal, that I don't have posters for, to show, are my stories that are not BTS centric. A goal for me in 2017 is to branch into other artist. I have a couple Exo and Seventeen fics planned, as well as quite a few Bap fics, and even one Block B fic. Most of them have been planned for a couple of years, but I never got around to writing them. For this year, I want to start posting at least one of them, if not more. I'll share the titles and the character pairings so you guys can get an idea of all of them. I haven't set in stone which one I would like to write, so I'm just going to list all of the planned ones I have for each of the artists.

Flashpoint (Daehyun x OC)
Monologue (Yongguk x OC)
una bella bugia (Yongguk x OC)
Take You There (Daehyun x OC)
Kingdom (Yongguk x OC)

The Gifted (Kai x OC x Baekhyun)
The Tainted (Kai x OC x Baekhyun) *sequel*
She's Dreaming (Baekhyun x OC)

Candy Stripe Boy (Hoshi x OC)
Highlight (Hoshi x OC x Woozi)
Lifeless/No One (Woozi x OC)

Block B
Philaphobia (Zico x OC)

This may seem like a lot for someone who just said that they accomplished hardly any goals they set for 2016, but I'm making so many so that I can hopefully accomplish at least one. Giving myself more goals means I'm more likely to get at least one or two down, I'm hoping.

That's it for the long af blog post. Thank you for sticking around to read it. I honestly was gonna wait to do this, but I'm sick so I called out of work today and got bored and decided to do it now.

I'm Hoshi trash now (He's almost up there with Jimin and Hoseok, which is saying something). Ever want to get me excited, then just talk Hoshi to me. ;p




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You seem to have quite a lot of writing goals. Good luck! And hopefully, 2017 will be a much better year for you. :)
Oh my goodness, long year huh? I hope you are doing well Unnin, I miss you lots and I hope you are doing well. Feel free to message me any time. I would like o see those pictures , BTS, I mean btw . Kkkkk
Hope the next year treats you well, cause you deserve it l! Merry late Christmas! Goodnight Unnie XD :D <3