
Honestly, I wasn't gonna post about this, but fk it I will. 

I'm pretty sure that mostly everyone reading this will already know that Donald Trump has been elected America's 45th (aka next) president. I did not want him to win. I wanted Bernie to make it past the primaries and win, but no Clinton made it so I was hoping she would win. If Clinton had won, America would've made history with the our first female president and it would set the stage for countries to follow where patriarchy is still very big (tbh it's still fairly big everywhere). Yes, both are horrible candidates but I believe that Clinton was the lesser of the two evils. 

A little background about me before I go more into detail of why I'm not supporting Trump at all. I'm a 17 year old Indian which means I'm not eligible to vote. I'm not a citizen here either; I'm an immigrant. I do not align myself with a specific party, but I do focus on the party that makes the better choices which pertain to myself and my family (which tends to be democratic)

First off, Trump has no experience. At all. All he's been doing is creating businesses, purposely bankrupting a few to get out of paying tax (he says that avoiding paying taxes has made him smarter over the last 15 years). On top of that, his policies are very much focued on racism and xenophobia along with benefiting the rich and the upper middle class white. Not to mention, he's a ist. His p*ssy grabbing incident was all over the news for DAYS and yet people still voted for him. And these people were the white and baby boomers. The baby boomers are basically the older generation here that are up the social security and ruining it and everything else for the millenials (us).

Clinton won the majority vote and yet Trump won. 


He won the bigger states with more electoral votes that were made up of the baby boomers and white people. And damned Florida. If Clinton won Florida, she might have won. 

But to be honest, he's not even my biggest worry at the moment because even though the Congress is Republican dominant, there are still Democrats and some Republicans that do not agree with Trump's ideas. Plus they have to deal with the public - majority of whom voted for Clinton. 

My issue is with Trump's running mate - Mike (fking) Pence. The idiot who (unfortunately) has experience in politics adovates spending the HIV/AIDS research money in trying to "fix" homoual teens into becoming heteroual through shocking them. Multiple times. 

How messed up is that?

Not to mention, he wants to get rid of the choice of abortion for women. Under his policies, females cannot get an abortion - even if the pregnancy was through . Trump at least supports the decision the supreme court made about gay marriage even if he doesn't agree and is allowing women abortion if it's harmful to the mother or through . On top of that, if the baby dies through miscarriage or because it was dangerous to the mother, Pence wants the families to hold a funeral for the dead fetus.


I don't even know what to say about this anymore because if anyone reading this cannot see the problem with their policies, you have something wrong with you.

He's not my president.

To everyone, stay safe.


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Seriously though. I just feel like as the presidential electron progressed I took Hillary Clinton and voters for granted. I just assumed as I looked through online polls and social media that Clinton would manage to pull through at the end of it all, that we wouldn't end up letting Trump win. Voters consistently surprise me. When Trump declared that he was going to run for president we all laughed because we thought it was a joke and I just feel like we kept laughing up until early this morning when the results told us that somehow we'd managed to vote a joke into office. And I have no idea how. His policies are a mystery to voter and to himself, all the allegations against concerning the ual assault, and the fact that overall he is not appealing at all as a human being; everything that comes out of his mouth, his inability to rationalize his plans for America, his offhanded racist/ist remarks, his goddamn spray tan. I don't believe in a god, but I think it's time I start praying for America.
Sigh...So much I want to say, but at this point I'm still speechless. Stay safe.
I cannot believe that trump was elected. It's been more than twelve hours, read more than ten blog posts about it, and I still cannot believe it. Now, I do believe that he's right about some things like improving infrastructure but I still do not believe that he is what is best for america. Granted, like you said, it was really just the lesser of two evils at this point, clinton has the professional front and ability to not cause wwiii or a civil war. I haven't been keeping up much with pence but his policies are absolute jokes. They don't make sense at all. I don't understand how he even got a nomination - and I don't understand why mike pence is standing by trump's side. It's like a buy one get one free huge joke. I can't believe this.
Stay safe, everyone.