(Important, read) official Social Networks to find me & just ing stop.

Twitter: @Real_TeaMinT

Instagram: @Real_TeaMinT

Ask.FM: @Real_TeaMinT


I'm done with my vacation today (heading back from Sydney) and will be back with possibly one or two updates on some of my stories (wrote them on my tablet back in the hotel room.) After giving the poll a short amount of time, I have created an instagram account for some of you to reach me when most of you couldn't (Didn't have the patience to wait for the results in a day.) So, please find me there if you're looking for something or someone to talk to. 

Also, not sure if any of you realised, but I have deleted a fair amount of blog posts and removed all the possible social network ids for anyone else's access. The reason was simple: I was finally getting bitten by the new generation of immature, thoughtless people who decided that it was fun to harass me on a daily basis. Sure, call me naive for posting my personal accounts, but I once thought that you could be harmless. Now that I think about it, that was silly of me to believe that strangers miles apart could possibly be actual friends and not fiends. I might not know what your AFF accounts are, but please stop. Again, read my other post. I'm fed up with these harassments at 4 in the ing morning. Sure, I could silence my phone, but I don't want to miss answering an important call in the morning. I could block you, but for some silly reasons, you made your way to my Ask.FM to go on again. I did not answer your questions for a reason. Stop this before I get fed up and leave this website. Enough is enough. 

That will also be the reason why I'm not creating a LINE or KKT. These will only be given to close friends (not mentioning who, but I will give it to you if I thought you were genuine.) I'll think about tumblr, but I don't know how it works. I'll see to that and decide in the near future, but for now, these are my official accounts. I would like you to refrain from HARASSING me to update (spamming), you can ask, not spam or demand an update, especially at 4 in the morning because I too, need sleep. You should be thankful that it didn't disturb anyone else because I would actually have to find you if you do. Please remember that time-zones are different. Just ing stop. You're not 10, you shouldn't be 10. Act accordingly for once. I will not expose your id, but stop. I don't deserve anything like this for writing here.

Once again, enough is enough. There are limits to things and I'm done with being friendly because it seemed to have done me wrong at this point.

There's a limit to being friendly. You're not being friendly, you're pissing me off. 

Just stop.

I'm sorry that some of you had to read this, but this was the only way I could tell that to the person. I don't intend to reply to his or her messages, therefore, this is the only way for me to reach them. Please ignore this.

But nevertheless, thank you for your time.




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Urgh...What's wrong with that person. So immature .< Stay strong author-nim <3
By the way i just followed you on instagram under nayumu xD
atyaf12 #2
Oh my god I am so sorry stay strong and ignore people like those they are just haters who have nothing better to do in life, but going and disturbing other people's peaceful lives and hating on them, so I sincerely think that you should just ignore them or you can block them, I don't think they deserve your time or/and your attention. They are just trying to get a reaction out of you. Why? Because they have no life. Seriously it pisses me off knowing that people like them actually do exist and annoy, harass and hate on people. Believe they have no reason to do that to you because you are an amazing author you are an amazing and fantastic person generally, so they are doing that just because they can't be better then you.
Thanks for letting us know, and thanks for telling that person off cuz they can do it to anyone, I really respect you for going out and saying it like this, then again if that person dose stop just report them or block them, they don't DESERVE your attention or time. :D

Again I am so sorry that you have to go through the this and stay strong, cuz there are more people who like you rather then the haters who just hate on you ^.^
imemyself07 #3
I'm sorry you have to go through this. Stay strong.
Oh my, that's so terrible :( stay strong and cheer up ;) okay?
piapau #5
Stay strong TeaMinT!! Those immature people are really so full of themselves >:( they're so insensitive! I do hope they finally realize what they're doing and just stop it..just keep doing what you're doing and we'll be here supporting you :D I'm just so sorry that they're doing that to you :(
Be strong! They are immature people... tsk, I can believe people like them exist.. I'm sorry for you. :(
I am sorry you have to go through this, people are so immature.
Omg this happened to two of my fave designers in aff. They were both harassed by the same person (she has several accts). Not quite sure if she's the one bothering you too because she had done it so many times but I hope not coz that is already creepy. I hope that he/she won't bother you anymore :(
Sharissa #9
Oh god it's only a month i'm unactive here and this harrasing things happened to you, please just stay firm and strong and ignore unnecessary comments.I'll always support you so just focus doing what you need to do.
Stay strong ♡
Foremost #11
By the way I followed you on Instagram with the name enise_aktas
Foremost #12
I have no idea how all these things happened, but I can only hope that some of immature and rude followers of yours will stop spamming you. To write a story is your decision and you decide when to update or not. You are the most oftenly updating author I know so these people should stop demanding! I respect you because you are the most hardworking author I know and they have to respect too. Try not to let your mood go down because of these worthless people...
You go gurl!!!
seems like u got antis o.o
Dang man, that really . I feel like stuff like that happens once someone becomes kind of well known because people view them as stronger or tougher or like less human since they have the attention of so many people. They see you as just a block of text on their screen so they think that you aren't real like them and have feelings and your own life. At least you're moving past it and being vocal about what happened and letting people know why you are changing things. But yeah, personal chat things like KKT or Line that give you pop-up notifs seem like a nightmare to have public bc trolls could just spam the hell out of you just because they are bored. Sorry you had to be on the receiving end of that, but at least you know better now :/