99 truths

Tagged by StarUswa :) I'm tagging whoever wants to do it.

1. Real Name: Alicja

2. Nicknames: Ali, Al

3. Zodiac Sign: Cancer

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School: Yes

6. High school: Graduating next year

7. College: if I get in lol

8. Hair color: Dark blonde

9. Tall or short: shooort

10. IM or email: IM!

11. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats

12. (Just realised 12 is not here-) (No twelve?)

13. Health Freak: Sometimes tbh 

14. Orange or Apple: it's a love triangle

15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: no (thank God)

16. Eat or Drink: Eat

17. Piercings: Ears

18. Pepsi or coke: Coke

19. Been in an Airplane: No

20. Been in a relationship: Not really orz 

21. Been in a car accident: A very minor one.

22. Been in a fist fight: No

23. First piercing: My ears :D 

24. Current best friend(s): A girl from school. Oh and Emily

25. First award: I honestly can't remember D:

26. First crush?: Middle school, first year. He had long hair and brown eyes. 

27. First word: Probably 'mama'

28. Last person you talked to in person: my Dad

29. Last person you texted: my Mom hahah

30. Last person you watched a movie with: Friend from school :D

31. Last movie you watched: Star Wars Episode I yess

32. Last song you listened to: Axel Thesleff - III. Don't judge.

33. Last thing you bought: Food.

34. Last person you hugged:  my Mom

35. Favourite Food: CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY

36. Favourite Drink: probably coca-cola.

37. Bottoms: yes bottoms are nice

38. Flower: Lilac :)

39. Animal: Owls. Puppies. Otters. Hedgehogs. And so it goes

40. Colour: All.

41. Favourite Movie: I have loads! The last movie I enjoyed most was Le Grande Belleza. Oh, and Mad Max: Fury Road. So good.

42. Favourite subject: I don't even know anymore. Polish probably.


HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)


43. (x) Got Baptized


44. ( ) Celebrated Halloween.


45. ( ) Had your heart broken.


46. (x)  Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 


47. (x) Had someone question your ual orientation. 


48. ( ) Got pregnant.


49. ( ) Had an abortion. 


50. ( ) Did something you regret. 


51. ( ) Broke a promise.


52. (x) Hid a secret.


53. (x) Pretended to be happy.


54. (x) Met someone who changed your life.


55. (x) Pretended to be sick.


56. (x) Left the country. (but, like, forever? XD)


57. (x) Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.


58. (x) Cried over the silliest thing.


59. (x) Ran a mile. 


60. ( ) Went to the beach with your best friends. 


61. (x) Got into an argument with your friends.


62. (x) Hated someone.


63. (x) Stayed single for a whole year. 




64. Eating: Nothing.


65. Drinking: Water.


66. Listening to: Seas of Years. idk what that is yet tho


67. Sitting/Laying: half-sitting-half-lying on my bed XD


68. Plans for today: Gotta do that Polish homework.


69. Waiting for: The weekend (yes, already).




70. Want kids: Yeah! 


71. Want to get married: Yes.


72. Career: Writer. Doctor. Idek. 


WHICH ONE in a significant other:


73. Lips or Eyes: Eyes


74. Shorter or taller: everyone is taller than me lol


75. Romantic or spontaneous: you can be both, you can be neither, if I like you, I like you.


76. Hook-up or relationship: Depends??


77. Looks or personality: Personality. But looks are the first thing we see (obviously) so. 





78. Lost glasses/contacts: No.


79. Snuck out of the house: No.


80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: No. Thankfully.


81. Killed somebody: No (would anyone admit it here tho)


82. Broken someone's heart: Yes (it's the newest development apparently)


83. Cried when someone died: Of course.




84. Yourself: Yes.


85. Miracles: Yes. 


86. Love at first sight: No. Attraction at first sight, yes.


87. Heaven: Yeah.


88. Santa Claus: Why wouldn't I why are you asking me this


89. on the first date?: Probably no. 


90. Kiss on the first date: Why not.


91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Not in particular.


92. Do you know who your real friends are: You can never be sure. (that was angsty as frick hahah)


93. Do you believe in God: In a way.


94. Post as 99 truths?: What?


95 - quote a famous person: 


96 - say something funny: Canoodle.


97 - laugh at yourself: forever


98 - last message: "are you there?"


99 - a picture of you: 







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I got to 23 with a lot of pain from typing with my phone before it got messed up and deleted it all :(
Lol this was fun reading, you've inspired me to write a 99 truths XD
And ohhhh the Emily friend must be awesome because we all know anyone with the name Emily in any shape or form is awesome! Lol #SaluteToEmilys
Lmao that last picture tho xD
mikubeth #4
You have never been on a plane? Hey haven't talked to u in a long time. How u doing?
raramin2 #6
80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense : well Yes and i still have it in my backpack lol oh and it's a knife the little one but sharp :D
But Star Wars The Phantom Menace? How...how could you we can't be friends anymore! I'm kidding and I made this ugly snorting noise at the last picture:D
Foremost #8
I just cracked up at the end of the text when I see your picture :D That was the best part! But I'm happy we have similarities \o/
That seems interesting :D I give it a try in the next days :D
We have something in common. Lol. Coke is our favorite drink. It's not healthy but so what? lol. :D
Hedgehogs are the cutest thing.
(Jennifer Lawrence is awesomeee)
Also omg that upgrade on your pic
Hehe what a....weird sorry nice preference for animals. .....
btw u looking hot in that pic yo
I want to do it!!!
Ali..I will copy paste it if you don't mind..? ^^
That's a fab fab pic you got there, and I can't deny you look fudging majestic af