boys be hired
leejooheon • pandari
Kim Kohae "Kohaku (琥珀)"
nicknames / aliases •
— Hae / nickname / by friends
— Kohaku / Japanese name / by family
birthdate & age • January 16 1997 // 18
birthplace • Jeju
hometown • Jeju
ethnicity • 1/2 Korean 1/2 Japanese
nationality • Korean
occupation • full time student + part time job @ private dance studio for children 5-15 years old
languages •
— Korean // fluent from living in Korea
— Japanese // semi-fluent from family
— Chinese // semi-fluent from learning in high school and now college

face claim • Twice Momo
backup • Red Velvet Wendy
appearance •
— her hair is currently blonde (a recent change she has made)
— she wants a tattoo but has yet found the perfect one for her
other •
— she wants a tattoo but has yet found the perfect one for her
fashion sense •
— she wears the stereotypical "dancer" clothing when not at school because she spends al lot of time at a private dance studio
— at school she tends to wear "fashionable" clothing that's somewhere between hiphop and casual style
— on dates she won't hesitate to wear a nice dress if/when necessary but don't expact to see her wearing a dress just because she feels like it
— accessories: she wears her glasses sometimes when she runs out of contacts and also has a few (approx. 10) pairs of sunglasses
— shoes: it depends on what she plans on doing for the day but generally it's generally running shoes, vans tennis shoes, boots, or heels. you wouldn't ever see her wearing flats EVER

i want to capture the beauty of the things i see in the pictures so that the rest of the world can see it too - can understand how beautiful the world is outside of the city.
short description • for us to use in the characters page, quick intro of what your character is like
— Despite Kohae's generally calm exterior, she is actually very positive and has a lot of energy. She's the type to listen before talking, often acting as her friends and family's shoulder to cry on. She doesn't always reciprocate such emotions however as expressing her feelings is not something she does unless she is super close with the person she's talking with. She tries her best not to be lazy and has a lot of drive to get where and what she wants.
personality • positive // optomistic, creative, hard working, observant • negative // emotionally distant, anxious • neutral // xxx
— Kohae is very optomistic. Whenever someone she's close to has a problem she tries her best to make them feel better. She will drop everything to be with a friend or family member in need, often putting their needs before the needs of herself. She is good at giving advice as well as making people weel comfortable with her presence. Her optomism also shows up when she sets her mind to something. She constantly pushes herself to do better via positive thoughts. This makes her one of the most hard working people you will probably ever meet. Her optomism is also very effective as she is very observant. This allows her to easily realize when there are things wrong with other people's lives. She always knows when and what to say to make people feel better.
— She also uses her observant nature along with her creativity. This is what makes her photography skills shine - she captures small details that other photographers overlook. Almost nothing gets by her without her noticing unless she is distracted though this rarely happens. She is generally level headed, making it hard for her to miss details but when she is especially emotional or anxious she tends to miss a lot - letting people know when something is wrong.
— Despite her optomism, she doesn't like to share her own emotions. She doesn't open up easily to people despite her support for other people's problems. Because she bottles up her emotions, she tends to get stressed and anxious easily. Taking pictures and looking at photography help her dissipate stress and naxiety. She needs someone who can help her get over her anxiety - someone loyal who can help calm her down
background •
— her mother (Tsuki) was a Japanese business woman working in the banking industry. she went to Jeju on vacation where she met her husband - Kohae's father Kangdae - and fell in love. she ended up staying in Jeju with him
— she was born and grew up on Jeju Island. When she was growing up her parents taught her to respect everyone and everything, including other people as well as nature. It's her love of nature because of her past that she wants to persue photography. she likes to capture the beauty within nature so that she can portray that beauty to others who can't see it themselves in person. Her family always supported dreams and hobbies, telling her that money is no reason to let your dreams suffer. When her brother was born she went out of her way to make him happy and pamper him. Despite having grown up around a loving family, she doesn't show emotion easily to those around her unless she is super close with them.
— she moved to Korean mainland when she entered highschool. it was very hard for her to get used to the cityscape considering it wasn't wat she was used to. She met her best friend Hyungwon almost immediately after being paired up for a school project. They have been very close ever since.
— Now she attends university and wants to make a carreer out of her passion for photography. despite the fact that she prefrers taking pictures, she doesn't mind being the focus of photography and participates in photoshoots and runways occassionally - often along her best friend Hyungwon. Her dream is to become a world renowned photographer for naturescapes.
lifestyle • where are they living, what kind of jobs they have, what they do on a daily basis
— she's worked around on a lot of part time jobs. currently she is working at a private dance studio for children between the ages of 5 and 15. she likes to dance and is good at both hiphop and ballet. she likes dancing but her passion is photography. In the past she has worked at a cafe and a bookstore.
— her daily schedule usually consists of her waking up, streching, showering, waking Hyungwon up (because he's a heavy sleeper), getting ready for school, cooking breakfast (if it's her day and there are no leftovers in the fridge), going to classes (1 business course, 1 intermediate photography course, 1 dance course, and 1 digital art course) then going either to the dance studio or to photograph things (+ the photography club)
relationships •
— Best Friend // Chae Hyungwon // fc: Monsta X Hyungwon // Age: 19 // He's her best friend and they go to the same college. He also models a lot, same as her. They often do shoots together and she likes to photograph him. He enjoys her presence because she is the one he can depend on to make her happy when no one else can. Their relationship is purely platonic - as if they were brother and sister. They tell each other everything - every little detail about every little thing that happens. People often mistake him for her brother or boyfriend because of how close they seem and because of how often the are together. They share a two bedroom appartment close to their school. They are both good cooks and take turns making food much of the time.
— Boyfriend // Kim Namjoon // fc: BTS Namjoon // Age: 20 // Namjoon is her current boyfriend. Personality wise they are very similar but he is more outgoing and confident compared to Kohae. They have a very close relationship and have been dating since Kohae first entered college about a year ago. They are completely comfortable in each other and he often stays the night at her and Hyungwon's shared appartment. He can be agressive.
— Brother // Kim Yugyeom "Yukio" // fc: Got7 Yugyeom // Age: 17 // He admires everything about his sister and she absolutely adores him. They talk on a daily basis, whether it's a quick phone call or skype or in person. They call each other by their Japanese names most of the time. He's homosexual and she's the only one that knows. He tends to rant to her about things.
trivia •
— favorite foods: anything with mint, any meat, sushi, sashimi, hamburgers, boba, green tea, coffee
— hobbies: cooking, dancing, photography, reading national geographic magazines
— she isn't good at managing stress and tends to spend large amounts of time looking at photography
— she's pretty dirty minded but only Hyungwon knows this
— when she gets extremely stressed she gets insomnia and cant sleep, spending hours just staring off
— she makes friends with guys easier than she does with girls
— one of the walls in her room is filled solely with photography she has taken (many pictures turn out to be of hyungwon and Minghao)
— she is best at taking pictures of people as well as nature
— she has a pile of magazines and images in one of the corners of her room that she uses for inspiration
I mean I'm paying for two weeks so might as well get my money's worth
how did you find out about 
— "Well... I really, really, really needed a fake boyfriend for this weekend so I kinda freaked out and went on this giant internet search. When I didn't find anything, I went to my best friend and he said he knew someone who was working for the company so he got me the number."
what is your main purpose of hiring a fake boyfriend 
— "I've been talking about my boyfriend a lot to my family recently but they have never actually met him before. This weekend was supposed to be their first time meeting him but he ended up... well... something came up. It's a somewhat big event because it's my parents' anniversary and I don't want my whole family to think that he doesn't care enough to come to it when I already told them he would so... I thought I'd hire a fake boyfriend in his place?" laughs nervously
what is your ideal type of boyfriend 
 "Wow ideal hmmm... I want someone who is confident but not prideful to the point of condescending others. He should like skinship and be up for trying whatever food it is that I  cook for dinner. He can't stop me from my passion of photography. I want someone who is always there for me when I need it, being committed and punctual is important to me. I'd like it if he was tall and lean but yknow... looks aren't everything so that's not too important."
how long do you need to hire this fake boyfriend •
— "Well I mean I only need him for one day but... 2 weeks I guess."
do you think you'll fall in love with your fake boyfriend •
— "I mean... I'm currently in a relationship so hopefully not?"
have you dated before 
— "A-Actually I'm currently in a relationship. He's my first boyfriend though."
if yes, please explain how the relationship was like for you 
— "He is very touchy and pampers me. We have a lot of fun together but he flakes on dates sometimes which makes me upset. He also has a temper but that usually isn't a problem.
if no, please tell us what you think your dating style is like 
— "I love skinship but can hold out if my boyfriend isn't as open with being touchy. I like buying things and cooking for him but I also like when he does the same. I don't like fighting but I'm not a pushover. If I have a problem then I usually walk out and cool off."
what is your ideal type of date 
— "My ideal type of date... I don't think I have one specific type of date as my ideal but if I had to narrow it down... I like being home, playing a few video games, watching television, cuddling up on the couch, me cooking dinner we can both enjoy - him possibly joining me - and then sleeping with him wrapped around me from behind... But I also like going out to movies and beautiful places where I can take pictures."
would you kiss on the first date or nah 
— "I mean... yeah as long as he isn't super creepy about it and we click well. If I don't see us meeting again then no. I'd probably never initiate a kiss on the first date, he would have to."
are you the type to celebrate the 12 korean couple holidays 
— blushes awkwardly "Honestly, yeah. I'm really cheesy when it comes to these things. I like pampering the people I like - friends and boyfriends."
backup(s) • woozi or anyone
birthdate • 11/07/96
occupation • full time college student w/ artistic tendencies (e.g. works as a backup dancer when he can, etc.) + boysbehired obviously 
personality • positive // practical, determined, playful, dedicated • negative // emotionally distant, sensitive • neutral // sassy
— Minghao tends to come off as quiet yet playful to strangers but when you get to know him his personality flourishes. He is very practical and mature for his age when it comes down to making serious decisions despite his otherwise playful attitude. He often scolds or sasses his friends if he thinks they are making the wrong decisions. His maturity also shows through his determination to get what he wants in life. When he has a goal set in his mind he doesn't let anyone get in his way if they try to stop him from getting what he wants. His perserverance knows no bounds and he rarelt looses interest in things he really wants. He is really down to earth and makes his decisions based off of what he believes is most realistic.
— Minghao's maturity makes him very dedicated and loyal to those who he believes deserve his attention and respect (not too many people though). To those he doesn't know he tends to be quiet. He doesn't let out his emotions easily and often seems hard to get to know, giving people the wrong impression. People often don't want to put in the effort to get to know him better, another reason why he doesn't have many people he is close to. The reason for his rather distant emotions is his sensitivity. Most beople who witness his sassy side think that he's an emotional brick because of his biting words and opinions but he's actually very sensitive to what people say. He always takes things to heart even if he pretends not to.
— Despite his mature mindset, Minghao is still very playful. He likes to mess around with people and is very sassy. When he gets especially worked up he can't help but let his chinese spill out, often saying things that the people around him don't understand. He also does this when he gets mad or upset at people or when he is venting his emotions.
love story • 
— originally she just needs Minghao as a date in Namjoon's place to attend her grandparents' wedding anniversary to pass off as her boyfriend (she doesn't want her family to think that her boyfriend flaking is a reflection of how he feels about her), but their relationship sparks from there. although both of them are rather quiet at first, they eventually get talking - especially after Minghao learns that she kan speak and understand Chinese. They decided to keep meeting up as friends because "Hey I'm paying for two weeks so I might as well utilize those two weeks to the fullest right?" Originally they settle with not telling each other too much about themselves right off the bat but decide on getting to know each other more naturally by spending time with each other. The fact that they go to the same school never gets brought up. They meet practically every day except for the first weekend starting with just going out for coffee and eventually escalates to visiting each others places and formal dinners.
— When they first started going out, Minghao had a girlfriend. Shortly after (5 days) he was hired by Kohae, his girlfriend broke up with him. Kohae and Minghae started getting really close at this point. He didn't want to stand Kohae up because tof his own personal problems so they still went on their little 'date.' She sensed that something was off and out right asked him about it. They were originally supposed to go to a movie but they end up staying at Kohae's place. She comforts him and he cries. He spends the night over at her and Hyungwon's shared apartment. Namjoon comes over confused at the boy sleeping on her couch which Kohae explains but he's still slightly annoyed and leaves. Hyungwon is also confused when he comes back but is okay with letting him stay there. Kohae's and Namjoon's relationship starts to strain more at this point. After this date Kohae and Minghao end up developing serious feelings for each other, Minghao falling for Kohae's supportive and optomistic personality and Kohae falling for Minghao's dedication and sassyness. It just escalates from there. He falls for her before she falls for him.
— After Minghao's breakup with his girlfriend, his dates with Kohae get longer and more intimate. they spend more time in her apartment and eventually visit his as well. Hyungwon starts to get to know him better and the two get along better than either does with Namjoon. Namjoon starts flaking more on his dates with Kohae, upsetting her and also pushing her closer to Minghao who she generally ends up calling for a date in Namjoon's place. he always shows up no matter what he's doing unless it's school which he tells her he'll be over right after class. she gets confused about her feelings as Namjoon becomes less reliable and Minghao begins to fill in his spot in her life. Namjoon always apologizes at night when he gets to her appartment (and continues with his normal relationship as if it wasn't a big deal) which usually consists of chocolate and a lot of intimate touching and stuff if you know what I mean.
—  the last night of their contract Minghao takes her out to his parents' anniversary dinner. it's a formal event, much like their first date, taking place in a Japanese garden outside venue. Minghao's parents point out to him how much they like her. towards the end of the night they end up alone on a bridge somewhere looking out at the scenery. Minghao says something like "it's ironic huh? our relationship started with an anniversary and now it's going to end that way." they look at each other sorrowfully and that's when Minghao reaches out and kisses her for the first time in their relationship. They get heated because of all their pent up emotion towards each other, making out and grabbing at each other. Either they break away at this point because someone interrupts them and she leaves, her emotions super confused (Namjoon tries to get contact with her but she turns him down and shuts him out of her room that night) or they go back to his appartment and sleep together (sex or no sex up to you as well) and when she wakes up in the morning she leaves in shock.
— she ends the contract after the anniversary date, emotionally unsure whether or not she loves Minghao or Namjoon or both. After breaking it off with Minghao, she tells Namjoon she needs some time to think so she stops letting him crash at her and Hyungwon's place. Minghao feels lost but buries himself in his choreography work. She ends up seeing Minghao a week or two later as she's been hired to photograph the college's dance festival (or something). They both get a shock when she realizes it's him who choreographed the dance - he comes out at the end and she almost drops her camera. she runs away immediately after she's done taking pictures and he runs after her. he catches up and admits that he loves her, stating that he fell for her that night she was there for him when his girlfriend left him. she admits that she loves him and wants to be with him
miscellaneous • sort of like a trivia
maybe things about your boyfriend's dating experiences? what kind of boyfriend he is? things relevant to the story. 
— he was in a relationship when they started "dating"
— he has had a few girlfriends in Korea and a few in China buyt none were especially serious except the one he has when Kohae starts with him.
— he is sassy but seriously cares for the girls he's with
— he loves pampering girls he's with even if it's just making coffee in the morning, stroking her hair to help her sleep, etc.
— he respects his girlfriend's space but is also very touchy. if he knows she is comfortable with being touched then he overflows with skinship.
— he likes admiring his girfriends/clients and understanding their hobbies
comments • lol i've had a lot of bad luck lately with fics so i hope that you at least enjoyed reading my app even if you don't choose it ^^
questions • none~
scene suggestions •
— sexy time between namjoon and kohae in her apartment
— Minghao venting out to Kohae in chinese when he's upset 
— Minghao and Kohae's first kiss
— basically anything I put in the app haha ^^


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