3 Word Answer [Stolen from asdfghjm15 and xx_kiss]

 1. Where is your cell phone?
on my left
2. Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Girlfriend, just kidding
3. Hair?
thin long hair
4. Your mother?
is a woman
5. Your father?
is a man
6. Your favorite item?
laptop, phone, card
7. Your dream last night?
i think so
8. Your favorite drink?
coffee or alcohol
9. Your dream guy/girl?
alive and breathing
10. The room you are in?
my own heaven
12. Your fear?
people's thoughts maybe
13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
to be yours
14. Who did you hang out with last night?
my lovely laptop
15. What are you not?
visible, albino, yao ming
16. Are you in love?
yes with you
17. One of your wish list items?
playing card decks
19. The last thing you did?
answering this question
20. What are you wearing?
nothing, just kidding
22. Your favorite book?
comic books ha
23. The last thing you ate?
the school lunch
24. Your life?
not that deep
25. Your friends?
such beautiful monkeys
27. What are you thinking about right now?
how to answer
28. Your car?
ferrarri, soon okay
29. What are you doing at this moment?
typing breathing thinking
30. Your summer?
probably kinda fun
31. Your relationship status?
with my laptop
32. What is on your TV screen?
I don't know
33. When is the last time you laughed?
few hours ago
34. Last time you cried?
last night maybe
35. School?
meh don't ask


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