Chapter '02

Wishing Flower

Keoyun. POV


I looked up from the table starring solemly at them all beaten up. Everyone was so quiet in the room, no one dared to say anything as they walked over to us. Suddenly i felt like crying. Usually i wouldn't get worked up from this, but honestly to Minho and Seungho they never do anything wrong. Maybe that's why i was so worked up.


The table jumped higher causing all the dishes to clatter. Taemin stood up tall and high while leaning over the dark table as shadows covered his face. I was able to hear almost quiet sobs coming from him as he walked over to me, closely embracing me.


I was a bit confused of why he was hugging me, why i was feeling his damp tears soaking up my night shirt. Soon everyone gathered around me and hugged me tightly, including the beaten up Minho and Seungho. Now i couldn't hold it back, my tears began to fall; i gave out loud sobs of love and confusion.

Why are they doing this to me? Are they hiding something from me?

If i did ever find these answers to these questions, i wanted to know them now. Because for an odd reason my heart was ripping out of my check. I couldn't stop crying, it honestly - something that's going to hurt me the most.

'G-guy's .. c-c-c'mon. It's not r-right to cry in front of the f-food." I terfuly spoke.

Mir gave out a akward laugh which was filled with sorrow and heart. "N-noona, haha.. What are you talking about, your the one's who's crying at the moment."

He tried to hold back his feelings but he couldn't. Taking one hand he pinched his nose bridge then swore silently as he made quiet gasping sounds. Now everyone was trying their best to hold their tears in buy giving a manly quirk they had to keep then steady.

My lips spoke without my brain analysing. Honestly my heart wanted to portray these words that slipped out. "D-don't ever leave me ok guys, y-your the o-onlt family i've g-got ok!"

I yelled out my last few words with my heart. But then again, it was an odd thing that happened to us - what was it?




Tik, tik, tik, tik ...

The antique clock turned steadily through out the night. I was sub-concious, honestly - was actually crying within mysleep. But i was still sub-concious, until i was stirred. There was an odd smell in the air that was making me restless, what was it? Was someone cooking a late night snack at this point? ...

" *Cough cough* "

I started to cough but soon it started to become violent and i spat out some blood. Shooting up from my bed i began to cough somemore. I turned my head slightly to my door to see a bright yellow-orange light flashing from behind it. Unbalanced, i walked over - coughing while gaging to my door then busted it open.
My hands slowly dropped to my side as hot tears rapidly speed down my cheeks.

"F-fire ..." I stood there frozen in place as the burning flames consumed the lower hallway entrence of the house.

"H-HOUSE F-FIRE!!" I screamed, choking on my cough while spitting up more blood. Quickly, my first instinct was to wake everyone up and quickly get them out of here. Stumbling to the room beside mine i knocked loudly.


No answer.

I tried again pounding with my whole body, but still there was no answer, so i quickly busted his door open. I scurried to his bed to wake him up, but when i got there no one was to be found. I panicked then went off the G.O oppa's room.


I bursted into his room too to check his bed only to hesistantly sum he wasn't there either. Where are they!? I quickly check the other guy's room to only find the same result as i did with Taemin's. No one was there. My last resource was to head back down the stairs back into my room to check out the window and see if they were there, But as i lowered the short staircase that lead to Joon oppa's attic room, the house fire was rapidly bursting up the staircase to where my room was. Instantly i bursted into my room and quickly grabbed my album diary that i kept all our memories with, then i dashed up the stairs too Joon oppa's room with flames in my trail.

"Oppa! Dongseng! WHERE ARE YOU! I'M SCARED!"

I cried out with all my heart holding on dearly to my album diary. I shut Joon oppa's heavy choloclate colored door then ran to the window to open it up. I was already having a hard time walking with all the smoke filling up the air, i was losing lots of blood by the second because of my coughing.


I gasped for air releaving my lungs from torture. Until that's when i saw it - Mir and a frightened Taemin along with everyone else a far distance way from the house - pointing at me yelling " NOONA! "
More tears streamed down my face ..



Mir. POV


I was dashing out with hyung and the other's out of the burning house. G.O and Minho hyung were trying to chase after the distant foigures that ran far away from our house. I was panicking, i couldn't believe that this was happening. As soon as we were running away faster from our house and into th forest i soon realised found myself slowing down. I halted, Taemin stopped then turned around to me giving me the hurry up look but i shook my head.

"STOP! WE'RE MISSING SOMEONE IMPORTANT!!" I yelled at the top of my voice.

Everyone turned around and quickly came back, we counted, but as we soon realised what was happening - our faces paled. Where was Keoyun Noona?! 
I was the first to sprint off our of the forest heading to the direction of the house. Noona! I'm sorry! I'M SORRY WE FORGOT YOU! You must be so scared right now, don't worry we're coming back!

I was about a few meters our of the forest when i saw a head poke out of the house. It was Keoyun Noona. I stopped with everyone behind me and i screamed on the top of my voice.

" NOOONA!!! "  

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please update authornim.....
IT WAS GOOD.<br />
OLY CRAP<br />
How can they forget her?!?!?!!?<br />
OOO:<<br />
Stupid boys.... OOO:<<br />
NOO! DONT DIEE! ;_______________;
__iNKe #3
Lol XD i'll try & thanks you very much, i thought it was kinda bland though > 3<"
Kekke! It was a good chapter! :)<br />
Your writing is gooooood! :))))<br />
X3333<br />
OMOMOMOMOMOMO! The MBLAQ boys.... -______-;<br />
Taemin..... >_______><br />
Mir.... >////<<br />
Hey. As your mastaa I order you to update when you have the time~!<br />
JKJK!<br />
Um not your master LMAOLMAO!<br />
;)))<br />
Update soon!
__iNKe #5
@D< i'll try to update tonight before i lose train of thought!
__iNKe #8
thanks and i'll try :3 <br />
i'm known for my slacking <3
tokyoxseoul #9
I really liked the foreword! :D Hope you keep it up! :D<br />