I'm not wearing that!

I'm not wearing that!

"I am not wearing that!" Momo screeched at the toothy grins before her.

"Oh come on Momo, we bought this especially for you" Sana cooed, nudging Momo's elbow.

All Momo wanted was peace and quiet after their busy debut schedule and early morning training sessions, but now with two thirds of the Japan line pestering her she knew that peace was the last thing she would get.

"I don't know who you think I am but I am not wearing a frilly dress! And don't you give me that pouty look like last time because it won't work!" Momo crossed her arms and turned her head.

Sana and Mina turned to stare at each other, Mina holding the frilly dress on its hanger. The dress was pink and white, with lace flowers and sparkles. Their eyes connected and almost immediately they knew what they had to do without any words spoken, the grins on their faces painfully wide. 

Sana took the first steps towards Momo and stood so close to her, leaving almost no space between them.

"Momo, buing buing~!" she cutely spoke, "please play with us..."

Momo gulped visibly, the hairs on her neck standing on end.

"Don't. You know I hate when you give me aegyo."

Mina then took her place next to Momo, making a pouty face.

"Momo, we're bored~" Mina whined cutely.

Momo tried struggling out of the close group to no avail.

"Momo-ah, please wear the nice dress we bought for you" Sana raised her voice into a child-like tone, opening her eyes wider to look more cute.

"You don't have to go outside or anything~." Mina bargained, drawing circles in the air with her finger.

Momo let out an almost inaudible squeal when she looked at the dress again, which both Sana and Momo happened to hear.

"So you'll wear the dress then?~" Sana smiled.

"I hate you guys...." Momo uttered.

"Please, Momo!" Mina begged.

"Fine. I'll wear the cute dress."

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Chapter 1: really cute
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: hahahahha!!J-line is adorkable & cute af trio ever,kekeke...
kwonkeira143 #3
Chapter 1: Haha poor momo, mina and sana with their drug inducing aegyo. We feel for you Momo
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: loool the 2Na as alwayyyssss. Poor peach
Chapter 1: gaaaaaah poor momo forced to play with these two cuties XD thanks for writing this<3 japanlineftw!
tzuyus-gf #6
Chapter 1: So cuteeeee
Chapter 1: Aww, the JapanLine are adorbs.