
Beware of Flirty Kim

 Taeyeon was busy reading her notes when suddenly their professor spoke up. 


Professor:  Class we have a transferee. Please introduce yourself


Girl: Hi i am Hwang Tiffany. Please take a good care of me


Taeyeon's ear  perk up once she heard the girl's voice. Seeing how beautiful the girl is. It made taeyeon jaw's drop.


Amber: Taeng! Hey!



Amber nudged  her as taeyeon is still spacing out


Taeyeon: What the he'll!!


Amber:  Another chick spotted huh?



Taeyeon could only look at her weirdly as she divert her attention to girl who is now sitting on her seats.


Tiffany was busy taking her notes when suddenly a girl tap,her from behind. Seeing the girl on it's blonde and pinkish hair. It immediately gets her attention


Tiffany: Yes?



Taeyeon: Hi I am Kim Taeyeon! Nice to meet you!


 Taeyeon gave her a charming smile. As she offer her a hand


Tiffany: Tiffany


Tiffany who thought that the girl is being friendly find her really cute. Of course her hair is pink!! Shooking the girl's hand. As she shot her an eye smile.



Taeyeon: Wooah! You got a really beautiful eye smile!


Tiffany: Thanks...


Professor: For God's sake Kim Taeyeon! Stop the flirt and Go back to your seat!! She's just new here!!!



Tiffany confusingly look at the professor as she gave him a questioning look


Taeyeon:  I am just being friend--


Professor: no need to explain Kim!


Taeyeon pouted as she frustratingly sat on her seats. Tiffany curiously glance at taeyeon when her seatmates spoke up


Girl: Hi i am Bora


Tiffany: Hi . It's tiffany



Bora: Nice to meet you!


Tiffany : same to you *flash her eye smiles*


Bora: oh by the way. Isn't she cute? *points towards taeyeon who is pouting*


Tiffany:  well kind of.


Bora: She is the most famous here. Popular, rich, known...


Tiffany listen to her intently 


Tiffany: Oh cool...


Bora: but let me tell you this. If ever she tried to go after you. Don't mind her and just ignore her


Tiffany frown as she couldn't understand why.


Tiffany: Why? She seems friendly though


Bora: Well she's not. She's good at flirting and she's a player. You can ask everyone the same question and  they will answer you the same. Just...just avoid her ok?



Tiffany could only nod her head as she take a glance at the girl who is now looking at her direction. Smiling?


Tiffany smiles back but immediately looks away once she remember what bora just had said.

Tiffany was busy reading her notes ininside the library when she heard a cough beside her


Tiffany immediately look to that person and her eyes widen.


Taeyeon: *smiles* Hi! *waves*


Tiffany: *Gasp* Omo! H-hey


Taeyeon: why are you so surprised? Is this the first you see a girl named Kim Taeyeon?


Tiffany find it annoying as taeyeon's voice sounds arrogant and so full of herself. 


Tiffany: huh?


Tiffany raised her eyebrows as she shot her an uninterested look


Taeyeon notice this and clear


Taeyeon: Just kidding. I meant. I'm just here to ask about our homework for accounting.


Tiffany: Oh... Mr.Park didn't give us any... he just says that we should read about business transaction and practice to identify their identities. Whether it is debit or credit. like that.



Taeyeon: wow... uhh.. thanks



Tiffany nodded and proceed to read her book again. When...


Taeyeon: what ate you reading? *grin*


Tiffany close her eyes as she started to feel annoyed by the girl beside her.


Tiffany: just about law.


Taeyeon: are you taking law?


Tiffany: well... yes


Taeyeon smiles even wider as she like it whenever Tiffany is answering each of her question. She feels like. She's too cute to be ignored


Taeyeon: So why did you transfer here?



Tiffany takes a deep breathe as she can't focus on what she was trying to do. She tried to fake a smile


Tiffany: just personal problem


Taeyeon: can share it. I don't mind


Tiffany: I'm sorry but I just met you today.


Taeyeon: We can be friends...


Tiffany: it's ok


Taeyeon: Oh come on!


Tiffany: What the!


Tiffany find it irritating since taeyeon is being childish right now.



Taeyeon: Look. I'll be honest to you. Every girl here wants to be with me. And you're lucky that I choose to be with you.


Tiffany looks at her in disbelief as she now undersgood what Bora means by 'avoid her' thing. Tiffany shook her head as she tried to ignore her


Taeyeon: What? DIDN'T you find me cute? y? Pretty? Adorable? Ho--



Tiffany frustratingly gather all her things as she stood up leaving taeyeon In surprised. This is the first time she felt rejected...


Taeyeon: What ? But?



Tiffany: ...



Taeyeon: Tiff!!


Taeyeon called out only to be 'shhh' by the students whose trying to study there. Taeyeon frown as she couldn't believe that there's still a girl who could resist her.



Taeyeon: No! I am Kim taeyeon! She's supposed to be getting all crazy over me!!!


And this made her determine on getting Tiffany Hwang






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Chapter 6: The plot was good, I hope you won't abandon this author-nim :)
SyazwinieWinie #2
Chapter 6: updatttttttttweeeeeee pweaseeeeeeeee!!!!!
Chapter 6: awwww I just found this awesome story butttttttttttt no I need more update author Imma Misss Ma TaeNySic
Badkiddo #4
Chapter 6: kim taeyeon being shy and innocent girl, will ppany be the aggresive one gawd.! i bet her ert mind still in her brain#face palmed . what would happen next-//-
TTaeganger #5
Chapter 5: It's gonna be funny if Taeng awake and change to be a shy one. Then, Jess come in the scene and bam! Here we go the TaeNySic's love triangle.
Elbirehl #6
Chapter 5: TAENYSIC!! TAENYSIC!!... I need Taenysic... xD
kimhwang677 #7
Chapter 5: jessica came
Badkiddo #8
Chapter 5: This story sounds good, what will happen next taenysic ><
Chapter 4: woaahh this is a good one heheee taenysicc ..:)
Certified #10
Chapter 4: what? tae got accident?