Chapter 10: Decision

Should I come back?
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Taecyeon POV

“Have me, Oppa”

Her soft voice really make me weak, yeah, I weak for her love. For everything that she said to me, that she did to me

“Are we really doing this on your couch, Jessie?” I asked while looking at her lovely face “You look so tired”

“I know, but did you want it too?” She chuckled and caressing my face gently “Take me to my room, Oppa”

She always bossy, but I almost never say no for her request. I decided to carrying her on my arms, she felt so light. When she circled her arms to my neck, I can smell her perfume, enough for making me want to cuddle with her all night. I open her room with my feet and place her back into the bed and then I put myself on her side, still stare at her lovely face when she say something

“Did you want to look at my face all night?”

“How come I turn back when I can see an angel in front of me?”

“For tonight, I will forgive all your cheesy words and cheesy things” she pull herself into my embrace and place her arms into my waist “Thanks”

I pulled out her shirt which is already opened, I ed it a while ago, while she my jeans and push it over my legs.

“I know you wanted me so bad, Jessica Jung” I said while she push my jeans with her legs and her hand playfully caressing my abs “Me too”

Like years ago, she rarely said nothing when we’re together. She often did something in real rather than say cheesy words

When we finish our “undress” thing, we know what we should do then. We’re craving for it. Because tonight she’s mine and I’m hers.

I know maybe it’s wrong but I couldn’t lie

I couldn’t lie that my heart was belonging to Jessica Jung

And I can’t take my heart back even though we broke up 2 years ago

Maybe just for tonight I want have a feeling that Jessica is totally mine

I still love her, no matter what


(still) Taecyeon POV

I woke up and realize that tonight was not a beautiful dream when I see Jessica still in her sleep on my chest. I miss her sleepy face, still cute although now she’s more mature. My phone rang when I busy looking at her cute face

“Hello good morning”

“Yah! Ok Taecyeon! Why you didn’t reply my message last night? You left me insane you know!” Tiffany shout on the phone and make Jessica let out soft groan. I pat her back so that she can sleep again when Tiffany continue her shouting “Wow, is that Jessica voice? What happens actually between you two?”

Actually when Jessica suddenly call me and left with some noise voice then cut the phone, I called Tiffany immediately. Tiffany said that Jessica already go home after met with her so that I turned my car to her house and found Tyler did something wrong to Jessica and then we ended up like this.

“Yeah, it’s done. You know yesterday Tyler came and did something terrible to Jessica” I replied before Tiffany yell again at me “Luckily I did something that make him gone away”

“Is Jessica alright?”

“On first place she seems so shock but then she managed it. She is okay, don’t worry, Tiff”

“Take care of her, Oppa”

“Always I am, Tiff”

“Okay then, just continue what you did before” Tiffany laughing and hang the phone “Bye”

After Tiffany ended the phone, I saw that it’s already 8 and my stomach began to growl. So I decided to wake up from the bed. I carefully let Jessica’s arms from my waist and kiss her forehead. Eventually I want cuddle with her all day long but it will not funny if my stomach suddenly growl then. I decided to cook something from her fridge before she wake up so I’m going down to her kitchen. Hope she will like my cooking because I thought she became thinner than last time we met.


Taecyeon is busy cutting onion when Jessica back hug him

“Good morning” Jessica said when place her chin onto Taecyeon’s back “You look so manly even though use my flower apron”

“Because I don’t have any choice” Taecyeon laughing and untangle Jessica’s hand then turn back into her “Hello princess, let’s have breakfast”

“I’m not hungry” Jessica pouted

“Breakfast is important or you’ll be thinner than now. I think you got some fever, your hands is warm”

“I just tired, Oppa”

“Because of last night?” Taecyeon tease Jessica that make Jessica pinch his arms “OMG, it’s hurt Jessie”

“Serve you right” Jessica sat down on dinning’s chair when Taecyeon come into her and suddenly circled his arms to Jessica from back

“I’m sorry, Jessie” Taecyeon’s husky voice make Jessica leaned her head into Taecyeon’s stomach and close her eyes “Just have a breakfast, okay? Last night you said that you tired and felt dizzy”

Jessica nodded in response but didn’t change her position

“Jessie, I must finish my cooking then”

“I won’t let you go again” Jessica whispered

“I know” Taecyeon change his position in front of Jessica and kiss her lips

Jessica didn’t answer but smile when Taecyeon kiss her

“Okay then, I must finish my cooking before my stomach begin to growl again” Taecyeon pull himself from Jessica, which make he get some frowned face from her

“Wow the tofu stew is daebak, Oppa” said Jessica after she ate

“Eat lot, Jessie”

“It’s enough Oppa”

Taecyeon suddenly put his palm on Jessica’s forehead “I’m right, you got fever. Finish your meal and get some medicine”

Jessica pouted again while Taecyeon continue his words “No rejecting, after get some medicine then go sleep again. You have schedule on afternoon, right? It’s still morning, you can get some sleep”

“You seems like my Dad”

“For your health, Jessica” Taecyeon stand up from his seat and offer his hand to Jessica “Let’s go”

Jessica takes Taecyeon’s hand which pull her into her room

“Where’s the medicine?”

Jessica make a way into her cabinet when Taecyeon pull her and place her into bed “Just point it I will take it, just lie down”

“Oppa, you act like I can’t do anything”

Taecyeon back with some medicine and water “Because your stubbornness sometimes make me want to give up. Nah, it’s your medicine”

After Jessica eat her medicine, Taecyeon put blanket into her and lie beside her “Sleep well my princess”

“Hmmm” Jessica change her position became facing Taecyeon and Taecyeon kiss her forehead

Taecyeon almost falling asleep when he hear the door bell is ringing. So Taecyeon make a way to the front door after make a sure Jessica is falling sleep

“Hello, Mu Yeol Hyung” said Taecyeon after opened the door

“Taecyeon?” Mu Yeol raise his eyebrows “You slept here last night?”

“Hmm, maybe it’s right” Taecyeon let out a big smile “Just go in I will tell you the story”

Then Taecyeon told Mu Yeol about what happened last night between Jessica, Tyler and him

“Actually, what happened between Jessica and Tyler before? Seems like Tyler can’t move on from her” ask Taecyeon

“In my opinion, Jessica and Tyler had

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I'm sorry for my randomly pictures at my chapters hahaha forgive me


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Agree with @alx77777 ^^
alx77777 #2
Chapter 13: Well I want season 2 hahah
Chapter 13: I love it ! They met and bond together. I'm crying now haha oh! TaecSica is back again.
let's start a new life :)
mikanMD #4
Chapter 13: She might not ever come back as SNSD, but if their friendship still stand and the soshibond still strong I'm more then happy
Chapter 13: Ah!!!!!!! They are back together!!!!^O^
So happy about Jessica meeting with soshis!!! Every things resolved now!^^
@ifagenthong2: You're welcome :D
I've been re-re-reading your fic!^~^
reysh1810 #7
@ifagenthong2[A] definitely☺
@reysh1810: #AlwaystrustinJeTi right? wkwkwk
@mikanMD: I'm very glad to saw your comments :D Thank you very much, I think we had similiar thinking about that things :D

@alx77777: wow *high five* maybe I can fulfill your req on my next fics *if I can do more fics then* but still thanks for your support!

@Sony07: Thanks for always being supportive about my fics, dude! :D

@meme19: Hei Unnie thanks for your long comment then :D you're the best haha

@JewaypiXX : that old couple always the best for me :D

@jesica27: Ikr, that was second drama that I saw and lead me to love Taecyeon and then Jessica :D
reysh1810 #10
I like Jeti!!nice story