♥ Summer Falter

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Title: Summer Falter

Pairing: KaiSoo

Author: zuzuzu

Length: Chaptered

Status: Complete

Genre: Romance, Drama

Summary: Kyungsoo has the best and the worst of both worlds.

He's a boy and he transforms into a girl every other year.
It wasnt a disease.
Nor a curse.
It was incurable.
It can never be avoided.

Serious relationships were totally out of his league.
But then, 

Jongin happened.


It's on my to-read-list but I kept on passing it because lately I just kept on reading BaekYeol Fics only and I'm not really into gender bender fics or EXO turning to girls but this got me TT TT Ofcourse one of the factors that got me is, it's KaiSoo my 2nd OTP then the drama and the plot. I haven't read this kind of plot so it's new /for me atleast/ So I regret not reading it the day I found it which was 13355 months ago so I recommend this for those who haven't read this, it's a good read plus I think there's only 1 chapter left to wait and it's finish.

Update: It's COMPLETE!

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Im still popping up from time to time message me if you guys have a question or new fics to share haha


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 112: I love Baekyeolangst too - I wish ease had been finished!!
Ilylau0614 #2
Chapter 122: How to be invited by the author?
Ilylau0614 #3
Chapter 76: Oh it seems this fic was deleted, I was unable to find it
S1ara1994 #4
Chapter 134: There are new chapters when they are published
S1ara1994 #5
Chapter 134: Where do I watch the novel chapters and how?
S1ara1994 #6
Chapter 134: When will the chapters be uploaded?
S1ara1994 #7
Chapter 134: I want to watch it, how is that, please?
buottleheadcherry #8
Thanks for such amazing collection, but the best one I've ever read isn't here and I can't find it elsewhere 😢
Seven Deadly Sins triology: vol 1 "Lust"
No fic could ever be compared with this one, I repeat NONE!
AmaranthaC #9
Chapter 2: They recommended a fanfic to me and then I saw it translated into another app but the translator disappeared and I'm looking for it here... and then I saw this compilation and I thought I would find it here but no... but I found more fanfic that's good I have more to read in what I find the story I lost