Where Do I Stand?


This story is about love, lust, heartache, loss, regret, resentment and forgiveness.


When Junsu first saw Jen under a palm tree in Jeju Island. It was love at first sight for him.

He couldn't keep his eyes away from her.

She was different from the people he has met.

She's smart, serious, has a morbid out look in life.

He cannot understand why he fell for her.

But that attraction was strong enough for him to persuade her.


Jen was skeptic when she first met Junsu, she found him immature.

At best, she can describe him as a kid who's inside a man's body.

And that didn't bode well with her. Let alone the idea of being in a relationship with someone like him.

But somehow he managed to woe and win her heart.


They fell in love.

And that love almost destroyed the two of them. 


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Chapter 4: long way for you, junsu, to get her
2033 streak #2
Chapter 4: Hey ^^ will you be updating this story?
Chapter 3: seems junsu falls for her hard
finally I found another junsu's story,
can't wait for next chapter