Please Hyung


Minji's POV
The next evening some people came and cleared the tree. We said goodbye and thank you to the old couple and left while promising to come visit them.
Siwon Oppa had stooped at the gas station to fuel up and get something for us to eat. In the morning when I woke up he had his hand around my waist and was asleep. When he woke up he had a funny smile on his face but didn't say anything.
He had opened the door and come inside and gave me a milk and muffin. For himself he had gotten the same thing except instead of milk he had a coffee.
"How long will it take for us to get back?" I asked.
"An hour tops."
We finished eating and started going back again. When we finally reached the house I opened the door only to be pulled into a hug by Oppa.
"You're finally back."
"Can...can't breath."
"Sorry," he let go of me and smiled.
"What's wrong? It's not like I left the country or something."
"Just missed my little sis," he said grinning.
"I'm home!" Siwon came in and took of his shoes.
We went into the living room and was greeted by the smell of food.
"Hope you guys are hungry," Ryeowook Oppa came holding some kimchi in a dish.
"Starved," I said giving a smile.
Kyunhyun, Eunhyuk, and Shindong had gone for their recording of Strong heart and Yesung, Heechul and Hankyung had left for a radio show.
Once we were done eating and telling the others what had happened I left to go wash up. When I was done I saw Siwon Oppa on his knees infront of Leeteuk Oppa and Kangin Oppa. What's going on?"

Kangin's POV
"Hyung I need to ask you something," Siwon said.
He knelt infront of me and the other hyungs and I startled in surprise. What does this kid want to say? The others had also stopped doing ttheir stuff to listen.
"Hyung I know that I don't know her for so ling but I have feelings for her. I can't help it. At first I tried to out away my feelings side I knew you wouldn't be happy with me but I couldn't help it. The past couple days I just kept falling for her and..."
"Siwon-ah slow down," I said. Whatever this kid was about to say I had a feeling I would be shocked. I saw Minji come around the corner but she stopped when she saw us.
"Hyung, I love Minji and I want your permission to date her."

Minji's POV
"What?!" I screamed in my head, "He's actually asking Oppa if he can date me?"
Oppa looked up and he noticed me standing there.
"Minji come over here," he said. I went over and stood next to Siwon Oppa. "Siwon told me that he confessed to you. I want to know what you think about him."
"He's nice and he's a good person and I.."
"You what?"
"I like him."
"Hm. Well, I don't see anything wrong with you two dating but I cannot allow you two to date."

Siwon's POV
"Siwon listen. We are Super Junior and we are supposed to give the image of a single guy to all our ELFs out there. And if the fans find out that you guys are dating what do you think is going to happen Minji?"
"But what about Shindong Hyung. He already told people about his finacee and the ELFs are fine!"
"That's different. He said he is marrying her."
"But but..."
"Siwon-ah, just please. I don't want my sister or you gettin hurt so just leave it."
He got up and left the rest of us. Minji knelt next to me and placed a hand on my leg. All I could do was smile at her.
"Siwon-ah you know it may be true," Sungmin hyung said.
I didn't say anything or look at them. I heard shuffling and when I did look up everyone had left.
"Oppa," I turned to Minji who was giving a small smile. Usually her eyes matched her smile but today they didn't reflect the smile on her face instead it was showing saddness.
"Minji, I know I asked you this before but I want to hear your answer. Do you like me?"

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MrsPark_ELF95 #1
Chapter 62: Update please!!!
Chapter 62: eek KKK! almost here, cute babies! update quickly, please!
StarlightFever #3
Chapter 59: Ah, I got in from chapter one! I can't wait for the next chapter!
agischoi #4
Chapter 54: Next chapter please
Neopetsislife #5
Great story ^_^
Chapter 52: kangin oppa is made....kayaa...i love him.....pls update soon
peiyan #7
Chapter 52: Are u going to update this story?? It is cute can't wait for the next chapter fighting!!
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 51: It's super nice how the ending is... DH's part was heartbreaking.... Sorry just trying reli fast on my iPhone so there might be grammar errors...
penguinninja #9
Chapter 51: Yay finally a new chapter! Siwon is cute buying stuff already
dannychoi #10
Chapter 51: what more would i want tan having siwons baby... and having him as my boyfriend and future husband???? like what else??? TT_TT its sad to know i can only dream and read about that TT_TT well ^^ im ok XD