Birthday Surprise


It's Yoochun's birthday! What does Junsu have in store for his partner?


Hola, amigo~!
Thank you so much for finding this one-shot! It took me a while to write and I actually crammed about 50% of it and re-read and edited the whole thing to perfection so many times for it to be good for publishing on Yoochun's birthday, hehe. (Though I might end up re-reading and re-editing the whole thing again sometime in the future.) It's such a relief to have finished it on time~! ^o^)/
One slight problem with this one-shot is that the idea and the whole plot might be a little too random and irrelevant to each other. Despite this, however, I hope it's a wonderful read anyway and every who reads it enjoys it just as much as I enjoyed writing it! ♥
Hit the subscribe and upvote buttons if you wish! They're not compulsory to do, though :) I would be very grateful if you leave even a short comment on what you think of the story, though!
Thank you and happy reading! ♥













Disclaimer: The following story is purely fan-made and does not reflect the person/people mentioned in this story’s real life and activities. Any other names, places, plot of the story and the like are works of the author. In case there are some similarities of another story with this one, it is purely coincidental. The author does not own the characters in this story.



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001012 #1
Chapter 1: That was cute and sweet!
icecreamchoco #3
Chapter 1: sweeeeeeeeeeeett