
Trilogy #1: Wizardess in Joseon

*Notice: from now on Ms. Geumhee will be written as Halmeoni~ :)

At midnight...






Sera: .............


Sera: .........??


Sera: ???


Sera: Nghnnn......... ??? *opening her eyes* *waking up* *sitting down*



Sera: Huh? Wasn't there a sound just now?


Sera: Aninde~ *going to sleep again*


Sera: !?!?

*sound of someone walking*

Sera: ..........

"Huh? Nuguya? Halmeoni? *going outside to check it* ........... *tiptoeing* ............... Eo? An old man? Nuguji? ......!? Is it a thief!? Eotteokhae!? Eitteokhae!? Ahhh!~ ..... I know! *searching for the kitchen* Eodiya?~ ........ Ah! Igeo!"

Old Man: *putting something in a pot*

Sera: *tiptoeing behind the man* .....................Take this!! *hitting the old man with a little pot*

Old Man: Ahh!!!

Sera: Go away you thief!!!

Old Man: Mwo!?

Sera: Go away or I'll call the magic inspector!!!

Old Man: Thief!? Magic inspector!? What nonsense is that!?

Old Man: You don't have to know you thief!! *trying to hit the man again*

While Sera was about to hit the thief (?) or old man...

???: Geuman!! *protecting the old man*

Sera: …*hitting the stranger unaccidentally* !?

???: Ah!

Sera: Eo!? Gwaenchanayo!?, joesonghaeyo!~ Uh..wait! Are you his accomplish!? Get out you th-!

???: Geumanhae!! ..Accomplish!? Ya! What are you talking about!?

Sera: Mwo!? What are you doing talking about that!?

???: I'm asking you first! What do you mean by that!?

Sera: What are you doing here!? ....Aren't you a thief!?

???: Mwo!?

Sera: ??

???: Huh. We're not a thief. We live here.

Sera: ??......

???: What are you doing here!?

Sera: .........Jeo-

???: Aigo, aigo~ Ige museun iriya?~

Sera: Halmeoni!~

???: Halmeoni!~

Sera: Halmeoni!?

Halmeoni: Aigo~ Ilwoo-ya~ Wae iriya?

Ilwoo: Igeo! This girl! She's hitting grandpa and me with that pot and calling us a thief!

Ms. Geumhee: Mwo? Jeongmalyo, Sera-ya?

Sera: Ne. Joesonghaeyo, halmeoni~ Nan jeongmal mollasseoyo~

Halmeoni: Aigo~ Gwaenchana, gwaenchana~

Sera: Harabeoji, jeongmal joesonghaeyo!!~ *bowing deeply*

Harabeoji: Aigo~ Gwaenchana!~ Hehe. Gwaenchana~

Sera: Joesonghaeyo!~

Ilwoo: Tch.

Halmeoni: Ehehe. Just come inside now all of you. It's midnight for heaven sake.

Sera: Ne, halmeoni!~ Good night, halmeoni, harabeoji! ...Ilwoo-ssi.

Ilwoo: ...*pretending not hearing* *looking elsewhere*

Harabeoji: Hehe.

*going in together* *going to their own room*


Hehe. Actually, I'm sure you guys were missing something. Of course, you will. 'Cause I'm the writer, and I'm the only one who know what it is. You have to read the whole story to know it. Hehe. Thanks for reading the story so far~ :D

Oh, and if you're curious. The clue is: ...............Well, it's in the beginning of this chapter. Hope you notice it :)). In the very beginning.

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