Hurtful request

Be with me again



9:00 pm and Junghwa´s phone keept ringing until she picked up when she got out of the shower in a hurry with her hair still wet wondering who it was that kept calling with much insistence.

Taecyeon: So what did you talk with her, I saw you two talking to eachother when got off from the bus, please tell me I want to know so bad!!

Junghwa : Well first she asked my name but the whe she asked if i remembered hers I acted like an idiot, she got kind of surprised when I almost shout out her name outload, I bet she think I was a dumb girl, when I entered my house and remember that moment I felt so embarrased. Then she walked me home, she lives 5 blocks from my house.

Taecyeon: Ahh I should have got off with you what a regret, I lost my chance to get close with her, god she is just so beautiful when I saw her the first time in the entrance ceremonie I fell like a dumb for her, you will help right, to make her my girlfriend.

Junghwa: I promised you Taecyeon, you are so cool I bet Hani will like you too!!




I was alone awaiting in the bus station for it to come after school when I saw Hani comming my way, she seemed kind of down, truthfully for a few days during music class I have tried to talk to her so we can get closer and so help my friend Taecyeon but she just smiled at me and gave short talk, I bet something must have happened to her to be like this cuz when we met the first time she was so cheerfull.

Now that I get it she hasn´t been with Woo Bin sunbae lately, could it be because they fought, that must be the reason, it has been like this since that day when I was with Taecyeon and he wanted to talk to her, that day Hani and Woo Bin were together talking and he seemed angry, but why? He even yelled at Taecyeon. Taecyeon asked before Woo Bin for help too, just what hapened between them?

As I kept thinking Hani reached to me and as she talked to me I could see she was in pain for the sad smiled she was drawing on her face and I knew she was faking her joking.

Hani: Oh Jung you´re still here, I though you were already in you´re home at this time. Ohh could it be you were waiting for me ??

I couldn´t stand seeing her like this, I wanted to know how she was feeling so I can help her. I gave her a smile too and looked to her face.

Junghwa: Hani what´s wrong, you have been so quiet for the past days, did something happen to you, you can tell me!! - And so I asked her- Did you fight with Woo Bin?

Hani´s smile disapeared when she heard my words, it seemed like she was about to cry I could not help it and instinctively hugged her "It´s ok" I said in my mind, put my arms around her while she was standing still with her arms down, I hugged more and more thigh, getting closer to her body even put my chin on her shoulder and was about to close my eyes until her voice broke the silence.

Hani: Junghwa, can you let me go? -she said with a low voice-.

I panicked and let her go inmediatly after she finish her words.

Junghwa: Oh sorry!! I din´t intend to bother you!

Hani: oh it´s not like that, it´s just you was hugging me so hard I barely could breathe. Bu t it´s ok I liked your hug, it felt so warm, thank you!

Hani smiled at me and could feel the heat going up to my cheeks, at that moment she seemed so bright and it felt so good that I could be the reason.

We took the bus and while she walked me home like usual she told me about the talk she had with Woo Bin and that he was no longer her friend, she felt so hurt I wanted to hug her again, we arrived at my house entrance and when she turn around to go I grabbed her hand.

Junghwa: Don´t worry I will be your friend and promess never hurt you!

She smiled and smirked a little then she left and I went inside my house and when I closed my room door I felt like a dumb, how could I told her something so childish, even tough I was embarrased I feelt so happy that couldn´t stop smiling whenever I think about it.




Taecyeon: Jungwha, I confessed my feelings to Hani! But she told me she needs time to think about it, can you talk to her!!!

I turned my head towards him totally shocked that really took me off guard.

Junghwa: What did you say? When did it happen I though you were going to wait a bit more. You could have told me in advance.

Taecyeon: I met her this morning when she was alone in her classroom and nobody was there yet, I gathered my courage and told her I liked her and since you have been taking my side I think she considered my offer!! Thank you Junghwa, thanks to you I think finally she is going to be mine.


All I could think about all day was about what´s going to be Hani´s answer, I mean she deserves to be happy and Taecyeon is my friend and I know he is a nice and warm person, but why do I feel this sour feeling, I even helped him get close to hani, it´s not like I am jealous they are both my friends, my friend, Hani is now my friend, it´s not like Taecyeon is going to take her away for me, ahh I don´t know anymore what I am feeling. All day this uneasy feeling kept turning around my head I need to meet Hani, I need to know if she is going to acept Taecyeon confession first.

After school I was wating for Hani, I texted hertha I will be waiting for her in the bus stop cuz I need to ask her something.

Hani: Sorry Jung for beeing so late but a had some homework to do before going home, you should have go already!!

Junghwa: I didn´t waited that long and I told you that need to meet you, "My baby", can I go with you today to your house I want to ask you something!! - I said with a cute voice-

Hani: Of course you can come, Junghwa!!

Hani told me with a smile on her face and I felt really nervous cuz I was going to be with her alone in her house.

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Hani fells in love with Junghwa without realizing but when she confess her feelings would Junghwa feel the same!!


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Chapter 6: Dang, this made me cry.. Pls update as fast as u can. ❤❤
Chapter 6: Author-nim update soon juseyo ~~~~~
Chapter 5: please update soon..i can't wait..:))
Chapter 4: omg..please update! i ship them so hard :))
I like how you put Taecyeon as cameo in your characters XD
Chapter 1: This is super cool! Really nicely writen and the style is really unique. Good job considering that it's your first. I'm looking forward to how will the story develop.