Drunken Brawl

A New Kind of Love
two weeks later
Minho was getting ready for his dinner with the team. As much as I would miss him dearly that night, I was happy to have the night to myself for once. 
Minho was combing his shiny hair in the mirror. I wanted to surprise him. I quietly walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. 
He seemed startled. "Kibum! You scared me!"
I rested my chin on his shoulder and pouted. He saw my face in the mirror. "Why? You don't like it?"
He chuckled. "Aniya~ I don't dislike it. You surprised me, that's all." I smiled. Mission accomplished.
His eyes lit up in the mirror. "Hey, come to the front." I moved in front as he moved behind me. Now I was in front of him and he backhugged me. He rested his chin on my shoulder. We gazed at our reflection. "We look cute together, don't we, Kibummie?"
I turned my head to look at him. "Did you know that ever since we started dating you keep calling me Kibum?"
"You don't like it?"
"I'm not saying that. Iike it when you call me that. You sound cute when you say that."
"Of course I do. I say it like that because you're so cute."
I giggled. "Stop it~ that's so corny."
"But it's true! You always pretend like you don't know how cute you are."
I whispered, "Do you really think I'm cute?"
He smiled his million-dollar smile. "The cutest." 
I blushed. I kissed his cheek. He kissed my cheek and proceeded to nuzzle my neck with his soft lips. As he did so, he tightened his hold of me, pulling our bodies closer. "Minho, stop~" I began breathing deeply and . "Ahh...You're ..." I closed my eyes. My body was slowly heating up. My heart rate was soaring. He smirked beneath all the neck kisses.  "Please... Minho... you're leaving soon... ahh..." He moved to the other side of my neck and left more kisses. 
I opened my eyes slightly and caught a glimpse of us in the mirror. We really looked good as a couple. Which gave me an idea. 
I slipped out my phone and held it out in front of us. "Let's take a selfie!"
He lifted his head. "A selfie? What for?"
"I want to cherish this. We look so cute right now. I want to remember this moment."
I got the camera ready. We both looked into the lens with bigger-than-life smiles. "On three. One... two... THREE!!!"
When I yelled three. I clicked the button to take the picture. At that exact moment, Minho planted a kiss on my cheek. And the camera caught that in the photo. 
I turned back to him. "What was that?"
"What? I can't kiss my own boyfriend?" he teased.
"Minho~ you're making me blush~"
He checked the time on his watch. "Aishh~ I gotta go."
He unwrapped his arms on me to gather his phone and wallet and made his way to the door. "Have fun." I said. 
Before he went out the door, he turned back at me. Once again he flashed his million-dollar smile. He ran up to me, grabbed my chin and kissed me deeply. I grabbed his arm and kissed back. 
He abruptly pulled back from our kiss. "I'll miss you." he whispered. 
"I'll miss you more."
"We'll see about that." He pecked me one last time before leaving. 
I stood there, dazed from his magical lips. It took me a minute to realize I was still smiling and daydreaming like an idiot from that kiss. My fingers went to my lips and I chuckled to myself, reminiscing our special moment.
I looked back at the photo I took on my phone. I couldn't help but smile at how happy we looked. We looked like a couple. We didn't look so different from other couples. 
Oh Choi Minho, how could you make me blush like this? How could you make me so happy?
"TO THE TEAM!!" declared Kyuhyun hyung. 
"TO THE TEAM!!" we all repeated as we toasted our shot glasses and chugged them down in unison. 
"And team, remember," Haneul reminded, "This is our night. Your night. So eat and drink as much as you want. Because at the end of the day, Kyuhyun's paying for it all."
We all burst out in laughter. This was Haneul's way of getting back at Kyuhyun for making him pay last time. 
Needless to say we all got pretty drunk. We all starting blabbing out crap. Then again, what else do you do when you're drunk?
"HANEUL-AH!! You so ugly!! Not even a mother could love that face!!!"
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" More shots. 
"Still, I love you, Pal. You're rowdy at times but you're still a good friend." Kyuhyun raised his shot glass. "TO HANEUL!!"
"TO HANEUL!!" we repeated. and shot down our shots of soju. 
One of the team members - I couldn't remember cuz I was drunk - abruptly said, "Yah, don't worry. Some girl will fall for a crazy bastard like you." 
"Yea? You think so?"
Another one said, "Sure! You'll find some y babe sooner or later."
"And while you're at that can you find one with a bunch of hot friends?" said another. 
We all cheered at this question and drank more. 
At some point Changmin hyung motioned to me. "Yah Minho, when are you gonna confess?"
"Confess what?" Hyung's kinda crazy when he's drunk. 
"You got a girlfriend. Why else would you be so happy all the time?" I didn't tell him anything about me and Kibum, so I was confused. 
"Hyung don't-"
"You got a girl?? Who is it?"
"I don't have a girl."
"Liar! Hey! Let's call her!"
"But how-"
"Come on, you bastard. Your girl's bound to be #1 on speed dial."
Changmin hyung seized my phone and I clumsily tried to grab it back but I failed. 
"Even better, he's got her labeled as 'My Lovely' on his list of contacts."
"CALL IT!!!"
They dialed some number on my phone. To my surprise, a girl answered, "Yeoboseyo?"
I had finished my shower and finished drying my hair when I realized Nicole was in my dorm. She had called out to me. I had invited her over to chat and discuss some of the designs for our upcoming fashion show.
"Hey. How'd you get in here?"
"You're door was unlocked." Go figure. 
"Well, make yourself comfortable. I'll be out when I'm done cleaning up."
Shortly after, Nicole called out to me. "Kibum, your phone's ringing." 
"Who is it?"
"It's Minho."
"You can answer." I walked over to her. "Put it on speaker."
Nicole answered the call. "Yeoboseyo?"
Sounded like there were a bunch of guys on the other end. "Choi, it's your girlfriend!"
"I don't have a ing girlfriend!" Yep. That was Minho. He sounded wasted. 
"Heyy girl wassuuuppp" one of the guys said obnoxiously. 
Nicole and I rolled our eyes. This was gonna be fun. 
Nicole did the talking. "Who is this?"
They completely ignored her question. "Heyy, you gotta tell us. How big is Minho's sausage?"
"His what!?" Nicole asked, horrified and annoyed.
"How's the ??"
Another guy said, "Hey hey hey, slow down there. Let's start from the beginning. What's your name?"
She looked at me. I shook my head. We couldn't risk any of our identities being exposed. It would be awkward for Nicole and Hell for me. 
"Just check the contact." she finally answered. I could tell by her voice that she was annoyed. I was too. We just didn't like dealing with people who get rowdy when they drink.
"That's why we asked. You're labeled as 'My lovely'." Exaggerated gasps along with more drunk laughter came on the other line. "Yah~ uri Minho is a bit cliché, isn't he?"
"He's not cliché, he's just a wimp in love." This player continued in a condescending tone, "Our Choi Minho acts so tough during practice. But he seems to be an emotional lovey-dovey bastard!"
The teammates burst out in laughs. I think I could even hear Minho laughing obliviously in the background. 
"Yea. I bet he's all 'I love you honey-pie' and all giggly and girly with each other."
"And she's all *insert baby voice* 'I wove you too, oppa~ qwiyomi~"
I burned with rage. I couldn't let them get away with belittling my boyfriend like that. They're supposed to be his friends! 
Then again, I may be taking this too seriously. After all, they're drunk. Nicole put her hand on my shoulder to calm me down. 
"Man, I bet this girl's y as ! You know, an S-line, big s, big a-" All the guys responded with y 'ohhhh' and 'ahhh'. I even heard some of them clap. 
"I bet she's one of those cute girls who talks with aegyo and pouts and-"
I motioned to Nicole to ask where Minho was. 
"Where is Minho?"
"Minho? Your beloved wants to talk to you~"
Minho spoke (more like yelled) into the phone, "Hi my love."
. He admitted in front of everyone that he loves someone. I is on my side then the players will forget he said that. "Minho what the Hell's going on?" Nicole demanded.
"I'm sorry for them." he was breathing slowly. "They're like that. Don't be mad-"
"Ok our love session's over." Someone said.
"HEY!!! HEY GIVE THAT BA-" Minho shouted back.
Suddenly, the call ended. 
We stood there in silence. I didn't know what to think or say. I honesy didn't feel comfortable after what just happened. A part of me wanted tk go over there and take Minho away from that mess. But what would he think of me?
"Key," Nicole said, breaking the silence, "I think you should go see what's going on."
"I was thinking the same thing. But I don't want him to think I was ruining the fun. They're his friends. They were probably teasing."
"Maybe. But go there just to make sure. You could just hide and spy on them."
Seemed like a good idea. Visit to ensure nothing bad was happening. 
"Sure, I'll go."
"Want me to go with you?"
"If you want. I've heard the things some of these guys have said when they're sober. It's not stuff you'd want to hear."
"I'll go." She paused. "Wait, haven't you already met the team? What if they recognize you?"
She's got a point. She's never met the team so she'll be fine. But the team knows me as the red-haired wimp from the fashion department. How would they react if that same guy came to spy on them?
I ruffled my hair in thought. Then I stopped. I had an idea. "Give me about half an hour." I told her. I made my way to the bathroom. 
I closed the door and looked in the mirror. My hand caressed my red hair. I loved my hair color. But I was doing this for Minho. 
"Goodbye, Redhead."
*30 minutes later*
Key's new look:
At the restaurant
Nicole and I sat near the bar, wearing hoodies so no one could see our faces. From here we could observe the soccer team without being conspicuous. Half the team players were passed out from all the alcohol. It was just Minho and the other jocks. 
"When should we leave?" asked one of the drunk players. 
Another answered with a big yawn, "I don't know about you all, but I could go all night~"
"I don't know, Doojoon. We've been drinking all night. We're gonna have serious hangovers tomorrow." 
"We gotta go to class too." another said.
" class. You wimps can carry on home, then." With that, Doojoon chugged down another shot. 
I turned toward Nicole. "I can't take anymore of this. Minho's clearly wasted. Let's bring him home." She nodded in agreement. 
We walked over to Minho's side. One of the players noticed us. "Ya who are you two?"
"We're Minho's designated drivers." I replied bluntly. I bent toward Minho and whispered. "Hey, Minho. Nicole and I are here to take you back-"
"Yah who are you guys to tell me what to do?" he whined. He hadn't really looked at me yet. He wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me down. "It's still early. Join the party!" He raised a shot of soju in the air but I stopped him from shooting it down. I also broke from his tight grasp of me.  
"You have had enough. We're taking you home."
"No, I don't wanna leave~" he whined more. His actions were kinda confusing cuz he was telling me to leave yet smiling and laughing like an idiot at the same time. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head against my body. "Why are you no fun~" Honestly a remark like this would upset me. But the dude was drunk as so I couldn't really be mad. I knew he loved me. It was just the alcohol getting to him. 
"Minho, you're gonna get sick if you go on like this." I instinctively patted his head with my hand. I think he realized it was me when I caressed him, because he slowly looked up at me. He stared into my soul with those big brown eyes of his. Amidst all the alcohol he had drunk, his eyes still seemed sober and lively. He whispered with a hushed realization. "K-Ki-Kibum?"
Suddenly I felt someone strong push me to the side, releasing me from Minho's arms. It was one of the players whose name I forgot. "Hey son of a . Either drink or get out. We don't have room for weaklings like you."
Minho shot up like lightning and stood between us. "Don't you ever talk to him like that!" he yelled.
The player pushed Minho. "Shut up Choi. Why should you care."
"That does it!!" Minho grabbed the player's hair and they started throwing punches at one another. "C'mere!"
I couldn't believe how violent my boyfriend could get when he's drunk! 
"Minho stop it! Both of you just stop!!" I begged as I got in between them in attempts to cease the fighting. I tried holding back Minho's punches. I couldn't stop the other player, who managed to punch me in the eye. I flew back. 
"Key!" Nicole came over to my side. Minho came to my other side. 
"You ok!?" Minho asked worriedly.
I couldn't answer because the player challenged Minho. "What, Choi? Scared you're little girlfriend's got a oo?"
I don't think Minho paid attention to this remark because he was already up and ready to fight. "That's it! You're done!"
"Come at me bro!"
They engaged in a bitter brawl. They tried wearing the other down but they were so drunk it was almost hilarious. Still, It was a sad sight seeing them fight like that. 
Before they could tackle each other to the ground, Nicole left my side and stepped in. "This is getting ridiculous."
Now she got in between them. The soccer player nearly gave her a black eye but she skillfully dodged it. "That's it." She kicked him in the crotch. He was defeated. He fell to the ground, cursing in pain. 
Nicole and I went over to Minho. He was passed out. He was covered in bruises and punch marks. We each wrapped one of his arms around our necks and placed our arms on his back for support. We carried him to the car. 
He was really heavy, not gonna lie. Probably because he's bigger than me in every aspect. Bigger build, arms, physique, everything. Seriously, if Nicole wasn't helping me bring him to the car, I'd be crushed by Minho. It'd take me hours to reach the parking lot. Man I should work out more. 
We placed him in the back seat of my car. I drove us back to the dorms. The drive home was silent. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. What the players said, about Minho and all, that player giving me that black eye. "You ok?" Nicole asked, breaking the silence. 
"I guess." I didn't feel like talking. I was still taking everything in. 
"What are you gonna do about him?" She asked, motioning to Minho. 
"I'll talk with him tomorrow if I can." 
"Key, I'll ask again. Are you ok?"
I hesitated before answering honestly. "I don't know. It's just, I'm not like anyone on the team. I don't know if I should be worried or not. The things they said just... put me off for a bit. But they were drunk so... What do you think?"
"Me? Well if there's one thing I'm sure about, it's that Minho really cares about you."
"Oh yeah? Why do you say that?"
"You heard what he said. You saw him defend you even when he was drunk. Not to mention he labeled you as 'My lovely' on his phone." We both giggled. That was kinda cheesy of him. 
It went silent for another moment. "How's your eye?"
"It's ok. Just a black eye. How about you? Did you get hurt?"
"Nahh that idiot almost hit me but I taught him his lesson." She gave a sly smile. 
When we finally reached, Nicole helped me carry Minho into the dorm and then left. Minho and I collapsed onto his bed. Tired, I struggled to take off his shoes and position him on the bed. 
When I was done, I sat beside him on the bed and gazed at him. He slept like a baby. I couldn't help but smile at him. I gently ruffled his soft hair. At that moment, he opened his eyes. I stopped playing with his hair but I let my hand stay there. He looked right up at me. "Kibum-ah..." he whispered. 
"Go to sleep. You look wasted."
"Kibum-ah I..." Before I could hush him up, he sat up beside me on the bed. I could tell he was still a bit drunk. 
"Minho you don't-"
"No, I need to do this." He turned toward me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into an awkward hug. "Don't listen to those jerks. They don't know what they're talking about. I don't wanna some hot girl. Hell, I don't even want a girl.  I want you."
"I know, you bastard. But you're drunk. How do I know you're honest? How do I know you really feel that way?"
"Because I love you~" He whined. Then he tried to kiss me, but I stopped him by placing my fingers on his mouth. 
"Oh no, I am not kissing you while you're drunk."
"Ah why are you like this~" He pouted. "At least stay with me tonight."
"Minho, we're roommates. I couldn't leave if I wanted to."
"I mean here~" He pulled me down with him. Soon enough I was lying on top of him. He hugged me really tight. 
"Minho I have to go brush-"
"Gajima~ stay with me~" He turned over and now he was on top of me.
"Minho... can't... breathe..." Then he started snoring quietly. He had me trapped underneath him. With difficulty, I managed to wriggle my way out of his grasp. I went to go brush my teeth and change before collapsing onto the bed. 
Gahh... Why did I drink so much? I woke up with a huge headache. Man, what happened last night? I tried remembering but everything was wiped clean. The last thing I remember was kissing Kibum before leaving. 
Sleeping Key (sorry, couldn't find one with black hair :P)
Speaking of Kibum, I turned over onto my side to see him sleeping comfortably. I brushed my fingers through his luscious black hair. Wait... his hair's black now? When did that happen?
I was confused. I cupped his face in my hands. My heart instantly broke when I came across a swelling on his left eye. Who did this to him? What happened last night?
I was panicking. Someone had the urge to hit Kibum? And I wasn't there to protect him? I felt awful. It only worsened when I realized: It was me. 
I finally noticed that my hands were badly worn and bruised. I paced around the room, rubbing my head in frustration. "Andwae!" I said to myself. No! This can't be true! I couldn't have hit him! NO!!!!! How could this happen!?!?
I just felt so guilty. Before I had time to mope around and feel the guilt I felt my hangover taking full effect. I quickly ran into the bathroom to puke in the toilet. 
It smelled nasty. Man, how much did I drink last night? 
Shortly after I think I finished Key walked into the bathroom. I'd left the door open. "Aigoo, it smells awful in here," he complained drowsily. He went to turn on the fan.
He walked over to me. "Yah Minho, lemme know when you're done. I'll wait. You're cleaning this up." He turned to leave. 
"Wait." I reached for his hand. "Don't leave yet. I wanted to tell you something."
"You can tell me later."
"No. I have to tell you now."
"Well what is it?"
"It- It's about last night. I was drunk. I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't treat you properly. I just wanted you to know that I'm so-" My stomach burned. Oh . More was coming. 
I let go of Key's hand and vomitted more. He patted the back of my head as I purged. "We'll talk about this later." He said. And then I heard him leave the room. 
Another round of vomitting and an hour of cleaning up later, I sat on the bed with Key in front of me. He was applying some cream to my bruises from this first aid kit he had. I was shaking on the inside. I was so nervous to start because I didn't think it would change. What if Key left me for good? What if he didn't accept my apology? All because I was a little too drunk to control myself.
"So what is it?" He finally asked. He didn't seem angry. Yet, anyway. 
"Kibum-ah," I started. I held his hands in mine own. "I'm deeply sorry about what happened last night. I-- I didn't know what was going on. I got drunk. I never once wanted to do this to you."
I think he was a bit confused. "Minho, you don't need to-"
"No! I have to say this. I hurt you. You have every right to be mad at me. Even when drunk, I should've never let this happen."
"Minho, if this is about my eye, stop worrying. I've gotten black eyes before-"
"But I hit you! Key! How can you just let this go??" He just stared at me in surprise. Like he had no idea what I was talking about. 
"Minho I didn't-"
"I hit my boyfriend!! When is that ever ok!?"
He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "MINHO!!! You didn't hit me! Quit worrying!"
What!? What does he mean I didn't hit him? "Wh- Wh- What- Key-"
"It wasn't you. It was some teammate of yours."
I didn't respond. I just stared at him. I guess I really didn't remember anything. If I didn't hit him...
"You don't remember do you?" I just stared blankly at him. "You went out with your teammates and got drunk. You drunk-dialed my number and that's when Nicole and I came to pick you up. You and some teammate got into a fight and he hit me."
Great. So it wasn't me who hit him. But someone got away with it. And I wasn't gonna let that slide. 
"But still. Someone hit you. I'm gonna make him pay!"
"But he was just as drunk as you were! Do you really think more violence is gonna solve anything?"
I stayed silent after that. He was right. He beating the out of him would do nothing. I turned away from him and rested my head in my hand. 
"For now let's just let that go. There's something else we need to talk about. Your team almost found out about us last night."
I raised my head in alarm. "What? How-"
"I don't know if it was a dial or not, but your phone called mine. Luckily Nicole was with me and she did all the talking. No one knew I was there. And apparently you named me as 'My lovely' on your phone. And when you answered the phone you said 'hi my love'."
I leaned back. I can't believe it. I said all that? I feel like an idiot. No one was supposed to see that. Key is my love. If others knew it just wouldn't be the same. We were really close to being exposed. I can only hope that they forget all about it. 
He continued. "I'm just saying, there are other ways to express your love. Don't do it on your phone."
"I might as well change it now." I changed his name on my contact list to simple 'Kibum'. "So what else happened? Other than the fight?"
"Well over the phone they thought Nicole was your girlfriend and kept hoping she had an S-line or something. And they kept making fun of her and all. Then we went over and brought you home cuz you were drunk. You and that player kept fighting, hence all the bruises on you too. Then after he hit me Nicole kicked him in the nuts and you passed out."
I started faintly remembering me throwing punches at someone but I couldn't remember who. Then I remembered when Key came and he got punched. And when I realized it was him with his new hair. "So you dyed your hair to get me?"
"Yea. They didn't know Nicole but they knew me cuz of my red hair. So I darkened it before picking you up."
"Sorry I made you do that."
"Don't be. Red's hard to upkeep anyway." 
"Still, sorry. About everything."
"Choi Minho," He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer to him. "You've been apologizing too much lately. It's worrying me. Look, I trust you. No need to feel sorry."
"I know it's just, I don't want you to look at me differently. My teammates act like a bunch of pigs sometimes and I can't do anything."
"Minho it's fine. I don't think you're like them."
"It's not that..." 
"Then what is it?"
I leaned back on my bed and invited him to lie down with me. I wrapped my arm around his waist. "I guess... sometimes I just wish I could show you off. You know just... not worry about hiding. I want to say 'I love Kim Kibum' without having to worry about what others think."
He snuggled closer. "I get it's hard, hiding. Even frustrating. But you know what's gonna happen. Besides, it's nobody's business anyway."
"I guess you're right. But what should I do? I said to the teammates I loved someone when I was drunk."
"Well you can either hope they forget, lie and say you're dating some y babe, tell them you're dating me, or say you're single."
I looked at him. "No kidding, genius." I responded sarcastically. "I mean I don't know what I should say. I mean what do you do?"
"Me? Well Nicole already knows, so there's that. No one has asked me if I'm dating yet. No one talk about it in our department. I guess they just assume I'm single. I'd probably just tell them that."
"I guess I'll just go with that." I suddenly remembered Taeyeon and Tiffany. "Hey so about that double date... you still up for that?"
"Sure, why not? It'll be our first date outside."
"Second, you mean."
"Right." He forgot our awkward first date. "let's do that."
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Chapter 47: Onew doesn't like to sound old though he's literally old here ㅋㅋㅋ. Nice arrangement for this family of 5, by the way. They all fit perfectly 🥹. Also, glad Yuri found one, Jung Yunho for herself 🫶
Chapter 46: MinhoYuri vs Mr. Choi.... MinhoYuri wins! ㅋㅋㅋ that was intense! Wrong timing but a good one at the same time.

Congratulations to the trio and TaeminKrystal 🎉
Chapter 45: Go Yuri, go Minho, fight those ing excuse of a parent you have there! Scumbags!

You know, you guys are cute 💚
Chapter 44: Yuri and Key's bonding over skin care 🤭
Chapter 43: At least everything now is settled. Good thing Yuri isn't like any other girls out there that would be a
Chapter 42: Yuri out with her friend, not knowing what to do while Kibum become a babysitter of his ex's kids and at night had with said ex and then having Onew, Key's dad, confront 'the one who deported his son to another country.... a lot happened in this one, my head feels like blowing up
Chapter 41: Inappropriate but what can you do if it's like that, aigoo.

Fit to be a housewife = Key, Kim Kibum 😂 he fits perfectly in there
Chapter 40: Yep, a mess, such a very mess!
Chapter 39: Ahh... it ! So sad
Chapter 38: Catch up with happenings on career and daily life not catch up with feelings, got it Minho???