Wolf Blood


Even though the idea of feeling attached to a some mundane human seemed preposterous and far out of reach, Kim Jongin somehow knew that Eun Joo held a familiarity that almost drove him to delirium.


Bae Eun Joo is the only daughter to probably one of the most affluential business owners in all of South Korea. From London to Tokyo, Prada to Chanel, this top-notch eighteen year old has experienced it all and has had it all. It was just part of her incredible luck that she was born into an opulent family of prodigies.


Even though Eun Joo has done all of what an ordinary person would have wished to do in a lifetime, her heart craved for something that was much more significant and maybe a little perilous. She wanted to take risks. She wanted to create her own path, make wrong decisions instead of always being lead by mentor and only learning what was right. 


That was when Bae Eun Joo enrolled in her first year at an upscale boarding school, but who knew a two week camping trip would lead to a mysterious array of deaths and a discovery of atrocious creatures that Eun Joo thought only happened in her storybooks.





Hey there! Please expect updates and see you soon in the next chapter, reader!



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pls update~!!!