Deadly dead.


Year 2021 - dead hostile creatures walk the Earth.

After a small mistake made by scientists, mankind wiped out and turned into zombies. The streets now are crowded with soulless walkers, waiting to sink their teeth in any living victim that crosses their path.

Fortunately, not all of the population zombied. Living humans in different groups of different places still struggling to survive. Is this the end of the world? 

One bite, you're doomed. BEWARE.


" Do you think he's gonna live? "

" I don't know, he's bitten. It's too late to stop the venom. He might be turning into one anytime now. "

" Should we shoot him? "

" Please! Don't! Th-there must be another way! I don't want to die! "

" There's no other way. I'm sorry. "


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Karenkitty1092 #1
Chapter 5: Oh god please don`t let it be Ken or Hongbin. I hope you update soon.
g_gangles19 #2
Chapter 5: Omg nooo! The very mention of 'dead human' gives me chills, and not good ones x(
I hope its not someone important T-T
Karenkitty1092 #3
Chapter 5: O.O noo not again hopefully they will out live these walkers.
Chapter 4: Hahhhh no why?? Why Leo?? Agh he "died" and now he has to die again?? (Sorry I can't say anythig else. I'm quite speechless.) But the story's going great. Keep it up^^
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 4: Oh man can`t believe Leo turn into a walker and why did he have use he`s gun at least N still alive. Thanks for the update.
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 3: Aw man why did N have to get bitten so i`m guessing it`s Hyuk that`s telling the story. Hope you update soon this is really interesting.
Chapter 1: Ooooohhh this is interesting. Update soon^^