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The Korean music industry is notorius for being cruel, demanding, and beyond healthy human capabilities. While glamorous for those on the outside, those who live and work within its confines are constantly battling just to survive. Byun Baekhyun can testify that fame and fat pay cheques do not equate to happiness.


AUTHOR'S NOTES - Please do not ignore

I'm rewriting this story because I feel like I rushed the first few chapters without putting in much thought, which resulted in me being unable to develop my plot. I hope you like my adaptations and my developed writing style.

I started writing this story back in 2015 when my mental health started taking a turn for the worst; I was really struggling with university and life in general. It was also during the time when Baekhyun and Taeyeon were being shunned and bullied because of their dating scandal. As a k-pop fan since 2009, I have always loved SNSD and Baekhyun was already my bias at that point, so when the dating news came to light I was elated for them. But, the hate and the threats and the bullying started happening and I had to watch two special people to me get hurt and that hurt me too.

Whether or not Baekhyun and Taeyeon really dated or if it was a PR stunt by SM to diminish attention from Kris leaving EXO, we may never know. All I know is that if they were together and if they still are together I fully support them, and if it turns out that the relationship was forged by SM then I will never forgive that company. Baekhyun and Taeyeon were made to suffer for no reason either way all because someone wanted to get paid for exposing celebrities. Although this is not a Taeyeon story (this scandal will be part of the story), I wanted to write about how Baekhyun also has the capacity to be hurt and even depressed. No, I am not saying that he is or isn't depressed, but I want to touch upon the fact that anyone and everyone is capable of being affected by poor mental health. Just because someone seems happy doesn't mean that they are. 

Anyways - back to the present - 2020 (and clearly 2021 too) has been a tough year for everyone and I admit that my mental health has made another few backsteps.

I hope we can all be happier.





In regards to my portrayal of the characters in this story, I don't want any of you to think that I dislike any of the members (especially Junmyeon and Kyungsoo because I just love them all so much) - I only picked those two for the roles I gave them because of (some of) the following (subjective) observations:

  1. Junmyeon has been a trainee the longest.
  2. Junmyeon was an MC with Baekhyun on Inkigayo.
  3. Junmyeon tends to be very noticebly fixated on things being perfect whereas Baekhyun tends to be less obvious about it.
  4. I really feel that (real)Junmyeon is an integral person in EXO for (real)Baekhyun and vice versa because their relationship is so deep and trusting that I wanted to create a fictional backstory to that.
  5. Kyungsoo is quiet and the interactions between Baekhyun and Kyungsoo back during their early days consisted of Kyungsoo reprimanding Baekhyun (cutely).
  6. Baekhyun loves to annoy Kyungsoo and Kyungsoo response is nearly always to hit Baekhyun.
  7. Junmyeon and Kyungsoo were in EXO-K with Baekhyun.
  8. I have really seen a real developments in the relationships that Baekhyun has with both Junmyeon and Kyungsoo individually throughout the years (and I feel so warm whenever either of these duos interact).


Basically, this whole story is fictional and I'm simply using some real life EXO-related events to create a backstory and form some sort of realistic chronological order.

I'm back and hopefully this re-write will be better! Thank you for your patience and support so far! <3


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Chapter 3: I'm still waiting for the new episode...
Chapter 3: Please new chapter..
Chapter 3: I miss this book please continue.
Loey00 #4
Chapter 3: can't wait for the next chapter. this is so good ♥️
Aiozkan #5
Chapter 3: I hope you continue this story. I am really wondering what will happen
Plzstopme #6
Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/940844/2'>CHAPTER 2</a></span>
This is the story of my life. I'm going through exactly what baekhyun is going through, for years. I know it's unkind but to see someone out there feels me even though it's a fictional character, is reassuring. I cry but I wanna know how his story will end. How will he cop with all of this, maybe his ways will get me some answers or maybe I'll feel better watching him getting an end at least whether it's good or bad..... I have one request. Please just don't stop writing it. This character, I need him. No matter where you take this story and how you end it, just write him. That's all I want. Thank you for this story.
Chapter 3: Cheer up baby~ Cheer up Baby~ You're doing really well. I won't abandon this story. So I will wait paitently for your next update. And since we're friends you can talk to me if you want to. I'm so proud of youuuuu~.
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 3: I don't like everyone being mean to Baek 😟
Jcdfdc4BBh #9
Chapter 2: I hope you continue with the story.