

Love is timeless, endless, ruthless. 


Two different people in two different stages of their life. 

Oh Sehun


At twenty-two, many would tell him that he has the world at his feet. He is young and youthful with a blossoming career and a bright future ahead of him. He has everything to smile for.

But he does not smile; he is far too jaded

He doesn't want to live the way everyone expects him to live. His eyes remain guarded from a past he cannot forget. His life has no direction, no  meaning.  

He is lost

Choi Jiwoo


A thirty-nine year old beauty with an innocent heart and mind. She is a public figure  loved and adored throughout the nation, yet a smile scarcely adorns her face. 

She was happily married to the man of her dreams, or so she thought.  The truth is scalding, blinding, frightening. 

She yearns for affection, but she remains unloved

She is trapped.

A story for me, more than anything. Just an idea that came into mind when I was watching 3 Meals A Day and witnessed Son Ho Jun become completely enamored by Choi Jiwoo. He said something along the lines of,  "She makes you feel like you want to protect her." Also inspired by the drama Secret Love Affair. 


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