Member 02 Revealed!


Kwon Seri

Dancer / Sub Vocal / Sub Rapper

► The loudest, bubbliest girl you'd ever lay your eyes on. She's beyond outgoing and is always taking risks. She likes to think life as an adventure. She's well knwon through the company as a social butterfly and that's because she doesn't hesitate to talk to anyone. Many people admire her beauty and bubbliness. Seri is also blunt as heck and isn't afraid of saying what's on her mind- although that seems to cause trouble a lot. Seri is very passionate and hard working. Seri actually exceeds in leadership skills, but shockingly, she had the opportunity to be the leader of G-Passion, but she turned it down. (And G-Passion, like Miss A, doesn't have a leader). Although she seems very intimidating, she's actually full of fun. She's charming and is known to be a heart breaker. 

  • Born and raised in San Fran, California.
  • The beach, the cafe, and the gym are her favorite place.
  • Looks up to Lee Hyori.
  • Dancing and green tea is her life.



DOB: February 24th

Age: 19 years old

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Korean

Persona: Charming Dancer

Fan Club: Sirius

Twitter: Seriii_g95


Solo track: Roller Coaster


A/N: I feel like I have a lot of silent readers. :( Please comment! If you guys forgot, this used to be an apply fic. However, since I lost all apps- I changed everything up and decided to make 4 OC's, because I'm not patient enough to wait for new applicants. Please look forward to G-Passion~ ♥
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Was this an applyfic??
Chapter 10: This is DAEBAK! If only it was an apply fic, I would have love to join!! :/

KPOP_survivor #3
it interesting pleasssse update soon i love it=^^= daebak
WhiteFlower #4
Update soon please .
meiYue #5
It sounds pretty interesting! Update soon please^^