Digimon Adventure | Apply Closed



Year 2015; The world has been plagued with the popularity of the next level of gaming called Digimon. 

Digimon, short for Digital Monsters, is the new gaming experience where players each wield a small device called Digivices that hold realistic, holographic monsters called Digimon inside. In a 1 vs 1 style, each player summons a Digimon from their Digivice and battle it out until a Digimon loses all of their life bar. The loser hands over their Digivice to the winner. Simple...well it should be that simple. 

One day in Tokyo, Japan, eight individuals find themselves suddenly being attacked by the so-called holographic monsters. 

Digimon Adventure 

by hotaru_

Hello everyone. This is my first story and I am pretty proud by the fact that it's going to be Digimon. -coughnerdcough- The story won't exactly follow the format of the first show, but the digivices are still the same model and will have references scattered within the story! I hope you all like the story and help guide me to make this story as enjoyable for the both of us. 

Ru's note

one — No bashing this story or other stories. Love, not hate!
two — Follow the cheat sheet. It is there for a reason and it will make everyone's life easier. 
three — There are seven spots available, since I'm being selfish...sorry DX
four — Even if your knowledge of Digimon is minimal, still apply! I will have no problem helping you out.
five — Have fun and PM if you have questions ^^.

the rules

Title — Digimon Adventure
Author — hotaru_
genre — adventure, action, comedy, romance, 
characters — OC's + their Digimon 
rating — PG/PG13
Deadline — Not decided yet

After a trillion years, the reviews are all done with! The first chapter is underway and there might be some format changes to the story ~Digimon Adventure


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Chapter 4: hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

im glad you like my tsuki and weee
2492 streak #2
Chapter 4: YAY YOU'RE BACK!! :D No worries about the wait! RL comes first! I hope everything's been sorted out and that you're doing better now! :) And thank you for liking Emiko and Ryu!! Hehe, when I saw the hope and light plotlines, I just knew I wanted to apply for them with these two. And it gave me a good opportunity to really flesh out Ryu, since I've only applied for a male character once before. And I definitely recommend watching Akame ga Kill! And I knew for Ryu's face claim, I needed my favorite Free! boy to represent him, with my second favorite Free! boy as back-up, hehe. ^^ Anyway, I'm excited that this is finally going to start! :D Can't wait for the first chapter!
Chapter 4: sniffles. this is super late, but i've been out of town BUT omg, don't worry about the extension, i am proud with kazuya since i finished
him before my trip.
thank you so much for your kind review. honestly, i didn't know much about digimon, like i'd watch the show and the seasons,
but i was scared that if i wasn't hardcore into it, i might not understand most of the concepts, but you made it easy to understand : )
at first i didn't know what to make him the heir of. i was thinking something simple but i believe a dojo is also someplace renamon
might want to hang out at, ahaha. ah, anyways, thank you for liking kazuya. good luck with choosing the digidestined and i look
forward to the story :D
Chapter 4: so yeah i finished my chara yesterday, just a heads up ouo
Chapter 4: i will finished my chara by the end of today...my time if thats okay? i was caught up in some real life issues that i havent been able to get to my laptop :(
i will finiah my chara today...hopefully...i need to otl
Chapter 3: It's okay! I just hope there isn't anything you'd like me to change in that case =)
ParkJimins_TinyWifey #8
Chapter 3: Yay I'm so happy it's going to start soon and I'm so glad I applied early!!! Can't wait to read this! :D
Chapter 2: Just asking, if I apply twice, would you only choose 1 out of my 2 applications? ><
Chapter 4: I need to finish my chara ono