RM Episode 239 - Spartace Version


It's not hard to understand that all Ji-hyo did in front of the camera is just a character that she played as a Monday Couple with Gary. But for Jong Kook, at times his limits just reached to its peak. And for the shooting that day, everything turn out as frustration for him.


Just a one-shot story for the Running Man episode 239. Enjoy! 

This is totally my imagination and my delusion. I hope everyone will enjoy it. I'm not Korean, I don't live in Korea, I know nothing much about Korea. So pardon me if anything related to Korea is not as it is in this story. That's why it is called FICTION. Oh and please remember that I'm not fluent in English, so don't expect a good perfect grammar essay from me. Being an AFF reader, all I care is about the storyline, not the spelling, grammar etc. Hope you can set the same.


My style is easy, you like it, read it and you're welcome. Hate it, leave and find stories that suits you. Thanks.

Respect me and you will earn respect from me too. Let's enjoy the journey together in AFF.


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Syhrhisa #1
Chapter 1: Sweet to the max level! Hahaha i just cant stop smiling alone
cancergirl88ak #2
Chapter 1: Love the story as sweet as cotton candy
Chapter 1: probably jongkook is king of jealous, but is that because of he love jihyo so much.
Really so cute.
putrielfira #4
Chapter 1: jong kook is the king of jealousy
jihyo is so cute here
boboy100 #5
Chapter 1: cute and awesome
KimAce_L01 #6
Chapter 1: Cookie for Kookie xixixi....
Chapter 1: Lovely sweet little cookie story^^ thank u:) hehe
maccamoet #8
Chapter 1: jealousy kookie he..he.. nich story karin...more of spartace story please...
kjk_sera #9
Chapter 1: Daebak ... I like this story, please more story Spartace #jjang
sellasella #10
Chapter 1: No comment -to be speechless actually- like always...i love you beary much Kariiiin...